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Preaching "In View of a Call"

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by USN2Pulpit, Apr 10, 2003.

  1. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    Soon I'll be preaching in view of a call at a SBC church in Missouri. Your prayers would be appreciated.

    I already have a couple of sermons in mind for that Sunday. (I'll be pulpit supply as well, preaching the PM service, too.) I am interested in what some of the pastors here think would make good sermon topic for this kind of occassion. Is there any advice from my learned friends here?

    Thanks for your time...
  2. Pastorba

    Pastorba New Member

    Mar 5, 2003
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    I don't know if I would consider myself "learned" or not as I have only pastored for about 3 1/2 years, but here is my advice. I assume by "preaching for a call" you are talking about the possibility of that church calling you as pastor. If that isn't what you mean this will be irrelevant (but I am accused of being irrelevant quite alot)! So here goes.

    I received some advice while I was "candidating" and that was to spend the amount of time on your sermon that you expect to normally spend if you were a full-time pastor. Don't spend 30 hours coming up with just the "right" sermon if you are not going to be able to spend 30 hours if called. That way you give the people a very honest presentation of yourself. I hope that makes sense. My best advice is be yourself, don't try to be who you think they want you to be, for you and they will not be getting what you think you are.

    I will pray for you as God lead's you.
  3. NateT

    NateT Member

    Oct 25, 2000
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    While I am not a pastor (yet) I can give you advice as one who is attending a church looking for a pastor, one who is on the search committee and one who has done some pulpit supply around town. I would say to preach a message on a basic doctrine. But perhaps not from the familiar verses. I'm not saying to twist scripture, but there are numerous references to our need of salvation beside Rom 3:23

    I say this because I think it will show a couple things. 1) It will show where you stand on the basics 2) It will show that aren't just preaching what you've heard everyone else say (if you preach on a passage that everyone has heard 10 sermons on, it might sound just like everyone else)

    That's just my opinion. Take it for what it is (or is not) worth
  4. SaggyWoman

    SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    Some preachers use what they were planning to use the next Sunday.

    Some preachers have their pet sermans.

    Some aren't trying to impress anyone.

    Some pray.
  5. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    You forgot one...

    Some preachers preach the sermon their wife tells them, because it reached the last congregation better than others.

    I don't have a "next Sunday" or a "pet sermon." And I'm not trying to impress anyone. I sure have been doing a lot of praying.

    I'm interested though in the experiences of other pastors, and what subjects/passages are good for this kind of message. The reason? Of course to give God's message, but with the knowledge that one is being graded. This is a reality in this kind of sermon, like it or not.

    While it is true that I'm not trying to impress anyone, I also don't want to do poorly. I'm sure anyone can understand that.

    Anyway, thanks for comments, and keep them coming.
  6. Eric Vickery

    Eric Vickery New Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    I have been getting a lot rich meat to chew on out of Genisis. I have especially enjoyed Genisis 22. I know I am speaking to the choir but the Bible is so amazing. You can read it and read it and the Spirit continues to show you new and refreshing things. GOD is good. . .ALL THE TIME!
  7. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Like evangelists who often use "canned" sermons that might be tweaked for a particular Sunday or congregation, I often preach one of 5-6 sermons when filling the pulpit. They are solid expositions with good application . . and good responses in past churches.

    Having said that, I would recognize the uniqueness of preaching "for the call" and realize it is not just another sermon. I would spend more time and polish it. And choice of a text should be solid biblical exposition and not a "itching ears" type of topic.

    This will give the people a chance to evaluate your pulpit ability accurately. And that's all you want. THEN they can make a wise (and hopefully Spirit-led) choice!
  8. Istherenotacause

    Istherenotacause New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    Hi. I know this may be late, I wasn't sure if you were referring to this past Sunday as when you would be filling the pulpit. Report back to let us all know how things went. [​IMG]

    My recommendation is to always find the mind of God before ever preaching anything, anywhere, anytime. It takes the "mechanics" out of the sermon. Though I have often preached something I felt wasn't fully studied out to relate the entire passage of my text, (though no one ever really could, since the Word is inexhaustible!), I make certain it is the leading of the Lord and His perfect will for that moment in time. I don't mean to sound super-spiritual, because I know I'm not, but you certainly know what I mean if you are called by God to preach. :eek:

    I don't always have that "unction", but I know I have the annointing to preach. Don't let me sound confusing, but sometimes it's just my duty to be ready, In season or out of season. I'm not one for impressing the people, for they eventually end up following the man. And as mere men, we often will let people down due to their expectations of us. ;)

    So just preach like a wild man, in a leather girdle eating locusts and wild honey with the Spirit of God all over you! Don't ever preach with the intention of hurting anybody, only preach with the intention of pleasing the Lord, you'll find that to be the best sort! [​IMG]

    In Christ,

    Brother Ricky
  9. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    Thanks Ricky...actually, the Sunday I'm doing this is April 27. I'll be flying from southern Maryland to a town just south and west of St. Louis on the Thursday before. I'll be able to talk to the search committee (once again) and the deacons (for the first time), then preach AM & PM on that Sunday.
  10. j_barner2000

    j_barner2000 Member

    Jan 13, 2003
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    Brother, I will be praying that God leads you to the sermon He would have you present. Have a nice trip, and enjoy the fellowship and beautiful scenery. He will let you all know if this is where He would have you serving Him.
  11. Singing Cop

    Singing Cop <img src=/5667.jpg>

    Mar 9, 2003
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    Something to think about:
    Some years ago a young minister preached in view of a call at a rather large church. He polished up his sermon for hours, even practicing it in front of a few empty chairs and into his tape recording. His speach was eloquent and good! And he knew it! Sunday morning he appraoched the pulpit with a big head and a puffed out chest. He spoke, his words were stammered and broken. He preached for an hour and then called for an invitation. He then hung his head in humility, stepped off the platform and sat down by an elder seated on the front row who said to him, "Young man, if you would have gone up like you came down, you would have came down like you went up!"
    Let God Speak! Amen! Be praying for you! [​IMG]
  12. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Where in Missouri will you be preaching at?

    Singing Cop....good story!

    Sherrie [​IMG]
  13. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    Sherrie, check your e-mail.
  14. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    If God wants you at this church, you will be there. Just pray God's will be done, pray over your sermon, study, and make sure it's what God wants you to say.
    Yeah, they are gonna look at how you preach and what is said, but don't think about that. Just preach God's word. Pray God would give you liberty, and hide you behind the cross. It dons't matter what anyone thinks of your message, as long as you stay by God's word, and preach what GOd lays on your heart. You preach and let GOd do the convicting, and the work. THat's His job. You're His tool.
    I know it's hard not to worry. I'm not a preacher {being female that wouldn't qualify me!} but I do sing in church. And that's nothing compared to standing for a while bearing your heart to a congregation, but I myself get so nervous sometimes, I feel sick! {I have been a few times!} But I know God promised to never leave me nor forsake me, and He also promised in Phil. 4:13 that with His help I could do anything. And if God can bring a nervous girl who tries her hardest to sing, and still sometimes fails, then I know He can bring the man He chose and called through a service. Remember Proverbs 3: 5, and 6.
    May the Lord be with you as you bring forth His message to the people!
    ~Abby [​IMG]
  15. FundamentalDan

    FundamentalDan New Member

    Feb 27, 2001
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    When I go to preach somewhere, I usually try to ask the Lord what He would like me to address that maybe does not get addressed all the time. If I were candidating somewhere, I think I would try to bring a strong salvation message Sunday morning (especially since you do not know the people and their spiritual condition) and then a message that focuses more on your view of what a church should be on Sunday night. That way, they know whether or not they are compatible with the vision that God has given you. Whatever you do, be sure to be completely honest and open with them. You do not want to go there with false pretences. If it is God's will, He will show you.

  16. Frogman

    Frogman <img src="http://www.churches.net/churches/fubc/Fr

    Jan 15, 2001
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    I just returned from such an appointment this past Sunday (Easter). I found that the 'holiday' affected what the church expected me to preach. In fact I combined in my message the 'strong salvation' sermon with the 'what a church' should be. This worked out as I was only preaching the morning service. The discussion time which occurred after services and after a potluck meal was where the meat of the issues of importance were dealt with. It is in this time that the call, and the acceptance will be determined. Remember, just because they may call you will not mean that you must or even will want to take the church. I know this is true at least in my present situation. I will be in prayer that you follow the leadership the Lord will provide and that the church will do the same.

    God Bless.
    Bro. Dallas [​IMG]
  17. USN2Pulpit

    USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    Folks, that appointment is this weekend, the 27th. My wife and eldest son will accompany me to St Louis this afternoon, to return to Baltimore on Monday.
  18. KPBAP

    KPBAP Member

    Apr 21, 2003
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    Just prepare something that you feel strongly about. Preach your convictions with conviction!

    I knew one preacher who told me that sometimes he never knew what he would preach on until the choir sang or he would just open his Bible and preached wherever his finger landed on the page.......Not the best idea!!!
  19. kmichael

    kmichael New Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    I came across this thread through a Google search of all places. Though this thread ended 4 years ago, it has absolute relevance to me today. On January 6th of 2008, I preach in view-of-a-call at a tiny church in.....you guessed it....Crawford County, Missouri. The church has an average attendance of 35 on a Sunday morning and has only one deacon. They have been without a pastor for two years and are starving for the Word of God.
    I have been supply preaching at this little church occasionally over the last few months and have grown to love the people. The church is only about 25 minutes from my home church (a large church) and this would be my first pastorate. I am currently finishing my undergrad in religion and will then be going to seminary. If I go to Covenant Seminary in St. Louis I could stay on at this church. If I go to Southern in Louisville, I would have to resign in a year and a half. As the time grows closer I am feeling more and more than this may in fact be God's will. I am not saying the experience will be perfect, but I can tell you that this opportunity would be perfect, considering I am in college preparing for the ministry. The people seem to love me and I love preaching for them. My heart wants to focus on the teaching ministry at this church. They desire to be fed and I desire to teach. Pray God's will in this matter. Pray that as I step up to preach that I would be humbled by the spirit.

    I say all that to ask you the same question as the brother did 4 years ago. Anyone have suggestions on a passage of Scripture for a view-of-a-call sermon? I have never used a lectionary nor do I have a theme or topic which has been constant in my preaching--I am new to this. But I can tell you folks that when I am preparing God's sermon, my study time is useful and the sermon notes flow. But when I am not "on God's topic" I have wasted as many as 2-3 day, needlessly wondering through noted and books and Scripture. (of course not totally wasted--Scripture that is...but you know what I mean....preachers?).

    I have considered some of the previous posts: fundamentalist suggested preaching what one would normally preach anyway....in this case I cannot do that for I am not on a regular schedule. Bro. Bob suggested a brightly polished "give it your all" type of sermon which I tend to agree and have no problem polishing and memorizing much of it and delivering it clearly. I also have never felt led to specifically preach a "salvation message" as I feel every sermon in some way incorporates this "topic."

    I need a good general passage of Scripture (a chapter) which I can read for context and exposit a handful of verses. I was thinking Romans 9 but that might not be a good chapter to start with. :) Or Romans 8, but I might save that for "bed-side" chats.

    I was thinking Matthew 28, giving a great commission sermon, as I have a deep passion for mission and feel churches must do their all in that regard; or James 5:13-20--I haven’t given much thought as to an outline for this passage but I know there is power in this passage that I feel might really speak to this group.

    I may have just answered my own question, but I really would like the input of this community.

    Thank you,


  20. Tom Bryant

    Tom Bryant Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    will be praying for you!

    Will you preach on Sunday morning AND Sunday night? If so, I would preach a Sunday sermon you might want to preach on any other Sunday? Preach about salvation and give an invitation. Let people see what a Sunday would be like if you were preaching there regularly. On Sunday night, I would preach your view of the local church.

    Come to think of it, I would do the same even if I was only preaching on Sunday morning. :laugh: