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Passover the only of all feasts

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Gerhard Ebersoehn, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. Gerhard Ebersoehn

    Gerhard Ebersoehn Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Passover and Atonement were different ‘feasts’ yet very much “in substance and BONE the selfsame”—‘etsem-yom’, “Feast-Day”. Both were fulfilled by Christ, and both are in Christ, “passed over” and therefore, PAST ‘feasts’!
  2. Gerhard Ebersoehn

    Gerhard Ebersoehn Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian

    How the LORD Jesus Christ Is the Fulfillment of the Seven Feasts of Israel

    1- Passover: The Death of Our LORD Jesus Christ
    2- Feast of Unleavened Bread: The Burial of Our LORD Jesus Christ
    3- Feast of Firstfruits: The Resurrection of Our LORD Jesus Christ
    4- Pentecost: The Giving of the Holy Spirit to the Church and the First "Come Up Hither"
    5- Feast of Trumpets: Pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church
    6- Day of Atonement: The Second Coming of the LORD Jesus Christ
    7- Feast of Tabernacles: Inauguration of the Millennial Reign of the LORD Jesus Christ on Earth.

    The passover comprised all the following:
    1- Passover: The Death of Our LORD Jesus Christ
    2- Feast of Unleavened Bread: The Burial of Our LORD Jesus Christ
    3- Feast of Firstfruits: The Resurrection of Our LORD Jesus Christ
    4- Pentecost: The Giving of the Holy Spirit to the Church.
    And you will notice the passover as found in Exodus chapters 10 to 15 consisted of the last two plagues, the ninth plague of "three days thick darkness" and the tenth plague WITHIN THE DARKNESS. You will see within the “THREE DAYS THICK IMPENETRABLE DARKNESS”,
    1- the slaughter of the lamb and death of the firstborn as were it Christ’s CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH;
    2- the goings out of Egypt-hell and passing through the Red Sea—as were it God “LOOSENED the pains of death” Jesus suffered—, and Jesus’ BURIAL “his flesh having seen no corruption in death”.
    And you will see
    3- the goings-out and up to onto the yonder shore as were it “the God of Peace brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus that Great Shepherd ...”
    “And the Cloud was Christ” who,
    4- for the following fifty days would lead his sheep to the LORD and His Name spoken from the mountain as were it the Giving of the Holy Spirit to the Church
    ‘Pentecost’ was still ‘passover’.
    And so were
    5- Feast of Trumpets: “the first day of the Seventh Month”:
    6a- Day of Atonement: “the ninth day of the Seventh Month” they killed the goat;
    6b- Day of Redemption: “the tenth day of the Seventh Month” the Fit Man led the escaped goat (the atoned People of God) into ‘Paradise-Wilderness-of-Eden’ as were it the sinner whom Jesus told on the cross, “Today you will be in paradise WITH ME.”
    7- Feast of Tabernacles: Inauguration of our, present, Christian, age.
    “I saw thrones and the(m that) sat upon them … and they who lived, reigned with Christ on thrones.” (“He who has the Son, has life.”)
    “Feasts” 5 to 7 were mid-year / fall ‘Feasts’ resembling passover, complete in its passover three-facet-ness.
    Note the “palm trees” feature in Leviticus 23:40 like palm trees featured in Jesus’ last passover when he entered Jerusalem.
    Note Leviticus 23:43, “I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths WHEN I BROUGHT THEM OUT of the land of Egypt.”
  3. percho

    percho Well-Known Member
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    Dec 7, 2009
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    ‘These are the feasts of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times. Lev 23:4

    Other than the weekly holy convocations how many more holy convocations were there during the year? Could you assign evening and mornings to each of these holy convocations?

    Was the evening and morning encompassing the 14th Nisan a holy convocation?
  4. Gerhard Ebersoehn

    Gerhard Ebersoehn Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian

    Leviticus 23 separates the Seventh Day Sabbath of the LORD GOD from all other ‘holy days’, twice, in verses 3 and 38.


    Then there are “the feasts of the LORD which _YE_ shall proclaimholy convocations … in their SEASONS”, 4 and 37.

    ONLY TWO “SEASONS” received such “feasts”,

    “the First Month” or spring feast with its sub-category feasts of the Passover-of-Yahweh in the first halve of chapter 23—verses 5 to 22; and

    “the Seventh Month or fall feast with its sub-category feasts of the Day of Atonement in the second halve of chapter 23—verses 23 to 44.

    Now keep in mind the similarities between these two “feasts-to-their-seasons” which virtually identify the fall’s main feast with the spring’s main feast, giving pre-eminence to the spring feast of passover.

    Christ is called “Our Passover” and “Lamb of God”—not God’s “Goat”. Both feasts were feasts of redemption and Jesus is the Great Redeemer Shepherd of his “sheep”. The Day of Atonement therefore is also fulfilled by “Jesus Christ (who DIED unto sin ONCE” Romans 6:10, “the all in all fulfilling fullness of God”-“Sacrifice for sin” : “ONCE-FOR-ALL”. “Such a High Priest became us who needeth not … to sacrifice first for [our] sins and then for the people’s sin”---again : for this He did ONCE when He offered up / made sacrifice of Himself.” Hebrews 7:26,27. “Christ was ONCE offered to bear sins … ONCE in the END of the world” or “last days” Hebrews 1:2. But some who “shall fall away … (will) crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh and put Him to an open shame” who allege his Sacrifice of Himself having been the Passover Lamb of God, fulfilled not all feasts and atoned not for sin forevermore, but that He needs to be sacrificed again.
    #4 Gerhard Ebersoehn, Jan 10, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
  5. percho

    percho Well-Known Member
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    Dec 7, 2009
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    I understand that, the holy convocations, follow the Passover. Passover being the absolute necessitate, for there to be salvation. No Passover, no salvation.

    1 Cor 5:7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:

    Did salvation process begin on the first holy convocation, as ye are unleavened, following the Passover sacrifice? The resurrection of firstfruit making complete on the morrow after the weekly holy convocation - 1 Cor 15:17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. & Heb 5:9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

    Do the holy convocations following the Passover picture salvation unto the end of the age?
  6. Gerhard Ebersoehn

    Gerhard Ebersoehn Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian


    “~Do the holy convocations following the Passover picture salvation unto the end of the age?~”

    If I understand you rightly, yes! The passover from its nature of having been

    A) “The Passover of YAHWEH”, automatically made it the ‘mother’ of all ~holy convocations~ which—all of them—, did “~follow the Passover picture~”.

    And the passover having been

    B) historically THE FIRST AND ONLY ~holy convocation~, is telling you it has been the ‘mother’ of all ~holy convocations~. (Like Eve the first woman “is the mother of all (human) flesh”.)

    So, Re:

    “~Did salvation process begin on the first holy convocation, as ye are unleavened, following the Passover sacrifice?~”

    Yes, I reckon so, assuming that you meant with “~salvation process~”, the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt.

    And yes also, provided you meant the “~salvation process begin(s) . . . as ye are unleavened, following the Passover sacrifice~” spiritually as Paul must have understood it spiritually, because I am sure Paul meant 1Corinthians 5:7, “Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened~”, spiritually. Because I believe Paul meant to say that “ye died with Christ”—, “ye are sacrificed in Christ”—, “ye are crucified with Christ”—, “ye are circumcised with the circumcision of Christ” ---all meaning the same as on the passover “ye shall REMOVE LEAVEN”, that is, take out the substance of LIFE, the perfect analogy of “ye shall KILL the passover on the fourteenth day” : “for even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us”.

    But there is in all this above, no reference yet, to the “~resurrection of firstfruit making complete~”, and no reference by far, to “~the morrow after the weekly holy convocation~”. We therefore cannot and are not permitted, from all this, to conclude like you do, that “~Christ (was) raised … after the weekly holy convocation~” which you of course presumed, was on the First Day of the week the day or ~morrow after the _weekly_~, Sabbath Day! No; that is illegitimate.

    And I sincerely hope that you have not also judged that one’s “faith is vain and one is yet in one’s sins”, if he did not believe Christ was raised "on the morrow after the weekly...~", Sabbath! For that would be worse than illegitimate and coarse judgment of others.
    #6 Gerhard Ebersoehn, Jan 11, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  7. percho

    percho Well-Known Member
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    Dec 7, 2009
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    I actually think on the morrow after he was raised, he was waved before God, ascended to God, to be accepted for us.
  8. Gerhard Ebersoehn

    Gerhard Ebersoehn Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    That God raised Christ from the dead ---in the grave--- was "WHEN God ... EXALTED Him and rested Him up again the Right Hand of God His Heavenly Majesty", "HIS NAME BEING: THE MOST HOLY PLACE." Ephesians 1:20 Isaiah 57:15.

    Then, and forever after. In fact, Christ raised the banner of his victorious Glory over death and grave and sin and satan WHEN HE DIED having "destroyed the last enemy, death" with death his own.

    Jesus was the Accepted Anointed of God in Whom He was well-pleased—“God’s Eternal Purpose”, “in the full Fellowship of the Trinity”.[*] There never was a time or mode of his Being that the Son was not the Accepted Son OF GOD.

    [*Klaas Schilder]
    #8 Gerhard Ebersoehn, Jan 14, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2016
  9. percho

    percho Well-Known Member
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    Dec 7, 2009
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    ‘He shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted on your behalf; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. Lev 23:11

    Was that literally fulfilled by Christ? When? Do you think John 20:17 might elude to that fulfillment?
  10. Gerhard Ebersoehn

    Gerhard Ebersoehn Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    No, not John 20:17, but, in John, in 5:21 e.g., and correct the wrong 'them' with the correct 'Him'. And give "the dead" capital letters, "For as the Father raiseth up The Dead and quickeneth HIM" --even Christ. That is where, as, and how, "the Father loveth the Son and sheweth Him all things that Himself doeth ... 26 for as the Father hath LIFE in Himself: SO hath He given to the Son to HAVE LIFE IN HIMSELF.

    This is how John in this place, reveals the Waving of First Sheaf-BEFORE-THE-LORD"---by The Father who resurrected Jesus "from the dead" and death and awakened Him from the sleep of The Dead IN THE EARTH IN THE GRAVE "by the Glory of the Father".

    John is full of other such revelations of Jesus Christ "First Sheaf Waved Before the LORD". In fact, Jesus was The ACCEPTED One "before the face of the LORD" already in his grave and before that, already in his suffering of dying death, and before that already in and from his incarnation. Even Jesus seen in John as The One LIFTED UP on the cross, is seen as First Sheaf Waved before the LORD in Resurrection from the dead.

    Where John refers to the Resurrection of Christ he refers to Him as First Sheaf Waved Before the LORD.

    John nowhere in his Gospel mentions where or how or when Jesus in actual deed, rose from the dead. But he presupposes this event of all events "by the Glory of the Father" consistently as the great and only all-determinate ACT OF GOD.
  11. Gerhard Ebersoehn

    Gerhard Ebersoehn Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian

    Remember the situation on passover-day-of-Yahweh. They killed the passover "mid-afternoon on the fourteenth day of the First Month." And "IN THAT NIGHT" after, they ATE the flesh with ulb. "And ye shall let nothing of it remain the morning. ['until' does not exist in the Hebrew.] But that which did remain the next morning / next day, ye shall [naturally, "the next morning / the next day"] burn with fire." The meaning indisputably is NOT on the day after the day on which the passover was eaten, but that which remained was burned in the following DAYLIGHT _OF_ "the selfsame day" (..."Bone-Day", "Feast-Day", or "sabbath" of the passover).

    But it entirely is another matter to say, <~on the morrow after he was raised, he was waved before God~> It is written "the priest shall wave the sheaf before the LORD TO BE ACCEPTED" ---there and then in the act of being waved, accepted. Which was done, “on the day after the sabbath” OF THE PASSOVER—not the Sabbath-of-the-week, the Seventh Day.


    They killed the passover “on the fourteenth” at the exodus;

    They ate the passover “on the fifteenth” from after the exodus; and

    They “finished and cleansed the Sanctuary on the sixteenth”—figure of Jesus Christ waved before the LORD IN RESURRECTION : the First Sheaf of all those in Him who will be raised from the dead “in the last day”.

    “The sabbath” of the passover could be any day of the week. “The Sabbath OF THE LORD GOD”, was, “the day The Seventh Day” of God’s first acts of creation and salvation.