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Henry Morris--ICR

Discussion in '2006 Archive' started by Logos1560, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. Logos1560

    Logos1560 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 22, 2004
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    (from the Vision Forum e-newsletter)

    A Giant of the Faith is now in the Presence of Jesus

    By Douglas W. Phillips, Esq.
    President, Vision Forum
    Adjunct Professor of Apologetics, Institute for Creation Research

    “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)
    The greatest defender of the doctrine of Creation in church history has gone to be with the Lord. No single man in the last two thousand years has contributed more to the defense of the book of Genesis or been more effective in rallying the people of God to embrace the historical, grammatical, literal, normative interpretation of its text than a humble, mild-mannered hydrologist named Dr. Henry Morris.

    A faithful teacher who served on the faculties of three major universities and went on to found the Institute for Creation Research — a graduate school and research organization — and the Christian Heritage College (currently San Diego Christian College), Dr. Morris spent his life engaged in “the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (II Corinthians 10:4,5).

    Late Saturday night, at the age of eighty-seven, Dr. Morris was ushered into the presence of the Lord Jesus.

    The world will never be the same again.

    The Long War against God
    Though evolutionary theory long predated Charles Darwin, the scientific and theological revolution he conceived with the publication of The Origins of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, Or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life in the nineteenth century gave birth to the unspeakable horrors in the twentieth century.

    The Theory of Evolution served as the philosophical justification for eugenics, abortion, Nazism, and Marxism. Its influence on American culture has been far-reaching, driving much of the modern understanding of psychology, education theory, law, economics, and bio-ethics. Few if any academic disciplines have been left untouched by the pernicious influence of the evolutionary worldview. But the most significant impact of the Theory of Evolution was on the Church itself.

    Early in the battle, Christians conceded significant ground. Scriptural compromises, concern about academic respectability, and general ignorance of the philosophical nature of the battle left significant casualties. In the end, many Christians either adopted a dichotomous view of science and faith, or they abandoned long-held assumptions about the integrity of Holy Scripture. The widespread indoctrination in evolutionary theory of Christian children through the government school systems only further entrenched the problem.

    Henry Morris: Hero of the Church
    Against this tide of skepticism, rationalism, and pseudo-scientism, the creation movement would emerge, forcing the antithesis between the religion of Christ and the religion of evolution. The recognized founder and leader of this movement was Dr. Henry Morris.

    The origins of the Creation movement can be traced to the publication of his first major work, The Genesis Flood, which he co-authored with Dr. John Whitcomb in 1961. The impact of The Genesis Flood has been far-reaching. The book accomplished two important goals: First, it demonstrated that any attempt to diminish the biblical account of a global flood does so at the expense of sound hermeneutics and biblical orthodoxy. In so doing, it refuted various evolutionary compromise theories like the local flood model, the tranquil flood model, and the Gap theory, all of which incorporated uniformitarian, evolutionary assumptions. Second, the book presented a working and intelligent model of biblical catastrophism that demonstrates how flood model geology provides biblically sound answers regarding the age of the earth.

    Dr. Morris’s Life Message
    His life message was this: Believe God’s Word! It is reliable. It was given to us by the Creator of the universe, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is completely accurate as to everything it says, and there is no tension between biblical orthodoxy and scientific truth. God created the world in six twenty-four-hour days, just as the Scripture states. Then sin brought death into the world. Next, the world was destroyed by a global flood of Noah’s day. The Bible gives us the grid for interpreting scientific fact, not the unproven assumptions of Big Bang cosmology or evolutionary materialism in any form. Between these two positions, there can be no compromise. When applied to the facts as we find them, the biblical account of origins provides the only intelligent and truthful foundation for interpretation. All other approaches are incoherent.

    Over the course of his public ministry, Dr. Morris communicated an unflinching confidence in God’s Word, an unassailable commitment to the harmony between science and Divine Revelation, and a firm recognition of the presuppositional nature of thought. Though he was a master at presenting the scientific evidences for creation, he became well known for insisting that neither evolution nor creation could be proven by an appeal to brute facts. Instead, Dr. Morris insisted that the religious presuppositions of the scientist (whether Christian or atheist) define their grid of analysis and their interpretation of the data.

    Faithful to the End
    “He went down with a pencil in his hand.” —Mark Rasche, ICR
    One of the most prolific Christian writers of the twentieth century, he is best known for The Bible and Modern Science, The Genesis Record, The Biblical Basis for Modern Science, The Long War Against God, and the enormously helpful annotated Bible, The Defender’s Bible.

    Henry Morris did not believe in retirement. Dr. Morris modeled what Kipling described as an essential element of manhood: “filling the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run.” The author of more than sixty books and many thousands of articles, Dr. Morris spent the last decade of his life with the recognition that God had allotted him only a brief remaining season to leave a written legacy of devotion to Jesus Christ for the benefit of future generations.

    And thank the Lord that He did! His recent writings reflect the mature insights of a seasoned Christian warrior who has spent a lifetime immersed in the Word and on the front lines of the defining battle of his generation. One of the last books that he finished was For Time and Eternity which reflected the direction of his heart toward the glories of Heaven. To the very end, Dr. Morris was daily busy writing. To quote my good friend Mark Rasche (Director of Outreach Ministries at ICR), “He went down with a pencil in his hand.”

    He Will Be Remembered as One of the Greatest Warriors
    His lifetime efforts in defense of the book of Genesis transformed the theological landscape in Christianity, influenced national policymakers, reached nations as diverse as Japan and South Africa, contributed to a mass exodus of Christians from government schools, and resulted in the single largest treasure trove of Genesis scholarship in history.

    The twentieth century will be remembered for some truly remarkable defenders of the faith. I think of the still highly productive R.C. Sproul, of the now-deceased Cornelius Van Til, and of three of Van Til’s most notable students, Francis Schaeffer, R.J. Rushdoony, and Greg Bahnsen. But in terms of having an immediate, practical, culture-transforming apologetic ministry where the battle raged most ferociously, an argument can be made that Dr. Henry Morris was the Christian man of the last century.

    He Feared No Man
    Henry Morris did not fear man, and he did not concern himself with the approval of his peers. He demonstrated that the righteous are as bold as a lion, and he exposed the wisdom of the proverb, “the fear of man bringeth a snare” (Prov. 29:25). Dr. Morris received many barbs from his enemies. (He was repeatedly the butt of sarcasm from some of the great deceivers of this generation — men like Carl Sagan and Stephen J. Gould.) But like Nehemiah before the scoffers of his day, Dr. Morris pressed on with indefatigable resolve.

    Regretfully, Dr. Morris was dismissed and misrepresented by some professing Christian scientists with ministries of their own. Rather than engaging in the merits of the debate, some of these ministries resorted to fear tactics whereby they would paint for their audience a phony picture of creationists as non-academic science hacks. Through all of this, Dr. Henry Morris remained a gentleman and a scholar, never responding in-kind, no matter how vitriolic or ungentlemanly the tactic of his opponent. He was always the best man in the room. Those who dialogued with Dr. Morris on these battles heard him pray for his enemies and speak of them with charity and hope.

    In short, Dr. Henry Morris was not merely a great leader, he was a true Christian.

    A Personal Retrospective
    Once upon a time, I was a committed theistic evolutionist trusting in my own works to merit salvation. I saw no conflict between Christianity and the evolutionary propaganda dispensed by my government school teachers. I weaned myself on the wrong kinds of speculative evolutionary writings and dreamed of becoming an evolutionary astronomer when I grew up.

    Then something happened.

    God worked in my life through the boldness of several men to bring me the words of life that would ultimately lead to my salvation. One of them was my father who announced, “The Bible is true in every detail. God created the world in six twenty-four-hour days, exactly as it says in the book of Genesis.” Another man (who would become my pastor and mentor) challenged me by opening Scripture and handing me a book entitled The Genesis Flood. By the age of thirteen, I had learned to love the Lord of Creation. Since that time, I have viewed Dr. Henry Morris as a mentor and spiritual father.

    For more than a decade, in hundreds of forums across the nation, I have shared with Christian audiences the debt of gratitude I feel toward Dr. Henry Morris. He was one of the seven most influential men in my life and played a significant role in my own conversion, spiritual development, and life vision. He personally showed me love and respect. He believed in me — as demonstrated by several key opportunities he extended to me over the last ten years.

    Dr. Henry Morris: A Founder of the Home School Movement?
    For the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Institute for Creation Research, I was given the honor by long-time family friend Dr. Tim LaHaye of taking his place as a speaker and discussing the impact of Dr. Morris and ICR on the twentieth-century church.

    My thesis was simple: Henry Morris is one of less than a handful of men most responsible for the modern home education movement and the rise of Christian schools.

    I still hold to this thesis.

    Though he did not begin with the intent of launching a revolution in education, the works of Dr. Morris brought many Christians to the realization that it was wrong to send children to religious institutions that taught children that they evolved from monkeys. Today, there are millions of children being home educated and many others in Christian schools. Every Christian school and home school in America owes Dr. Henry Morris and ICR a debt of gratitude.

    Some years later, I was appointed Adjunct Professor of Apologetics for ICR. After the departure of Ken Ham to begin his outstanding ministry, Answers In Genesis, I joined Dr. John Morris for Back to Genesis conferences held periodically around the country. During this time (in 2003), I experienced one of the greatest highlights of my life as a Christian apologist and minister of the Gospel when ICR invited me to spend a week in a studio with Dr. Henry Morris, Dr. John Morris, Dr. John Whitcomb, and Dr. Russell Humphreys, taping a series on the issue of creation compromise and the question of death before Adam.

    The two octogenarian heroes (Morris and Whitcomb) were sharp as a tack. Though more than forty years had passed since they co-authored The Genesis Flood, the clarity of their thinking and the power of their collaborative effort was inspiring. At the time, most of us suspected that this would be the last time these great men would co-labor together on this earth.

    Farewell to a Shepherd of Children
    I knew this day was coming. I guess I simply hoped that it would not be for some time. My thoughts are filled with the painful realization that yet another giant of the faith has been taken to the bosom of Jesus, when (from my finite and fallible perspective) we needed him so much. Yet I bow before the sovereign Lord who is infinitely wise, and I rejoice for Dr. Morris who, as I write, is face to face with Christ.

    For years now, Dr. Morris has been turning his thoughts and his writings to the beauty of the Lord Jesus and the promise of Heaven. I am so thankful that he is absent from his mortal body, but present with the Lord Jesus Christ. My love and compassion are with his children, especially my dear friend Dr. John Morris who has so faithfully honored his father as president of ICR.

    In the final analysis, I think of Dr. Morris as one of the great shepherds of twentieth-century Christians. He taught us to have a child-like faith in Christ and His Word. He modeled for us the humble, charitable demeanor of a Christian warrior. He inspired us to dedicate our lives to the glorious study of the God of Creation.

    Dr. Morris gave hope to tens of thousands of Christian children who are no longer just searching for answers in a sea of evolutionary confusion. Because of Dr. Henry Morris, many caught the “creation bug.” Many have grown to share this passion for creation to their children and grandchildren. More importantly, they have fallen in love with the God of Creation. Today, they are digging up dinosaurs for the glory of God, producing radio shows that proclaim the God of creation, conducting scientific experiments in the name of Jesus, engaging the false prophets of evolution, and passionately defending the Word of God against evolutionary compromise.

    I was one of those children.

    To all of you who are my readers, I make a simple request: Please take the time and teach your children about the mighty legacy bequeathed to them through the work of this man with feet of clay. If you never had the privilege of meeting him face to face or of hearing him live, listen to him on tape. Read his books. Support ICR. Pray that God will raise up more giants in the land to declare the God of Creation heroically and without compromise.
  2. gtbuzzarp

    gtbuzzarp New Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    I'm sure he will be greatly missed.

    I only recently became aware of ICR after Dr. Henry Morris III preached at 5 of our evening services. Since then I have read thru some of the many articles on their websites. They are quite interesting and I would encourage anyone who still struggles with Creationsim vs Evolution to explore the site and maybe order some books from them.
  3. Plain Old Bill

    Plain Old Bill New Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Dr. Morris will be missed by many of us. I have several of his books.
  4. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    I had occasion to briefly meet Dr. Morris when I was an instructor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute [1958-1960] and he was head of the Civil Engineering Department. Sometime later he left and formed the Institute for Creation Research. I have a number of his books including The Modern Creation Trilogy which he co-authored with his son Dr. John Morris.

    Mr. Phillips has many good things to say about Dr Morris which I heartedly endorse. May I say that one of the greatest achievements of Dr. Morris is that his work gave some Christians enough backbone to stand up against the atheistic philosophy [or religion] of evolution, including theistic evolution.
  5. Craigbythesea

    Craigbythesea Active Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I’m not sure who has done more harm to the Christian faith—Charles Darwin or Henry Morris. Both men were Christians: both of them read the Bible. Charles Darwin entered college to prepare for the Christian ministry but became so fascinated by biology that he began studying more Botany than he did theology. When he was invited to join the other naturalists aboard the H.M.S. Beagle, he took his Bible with him but we don’t know very much about his Christian experiences during the voyage. However, we do know that during the voyage he made discoveries that led him to draw conclusions that deeply troubled him, and that he pondered these things for twenty years before he published his discoveries and his conclusions.

    Henry Morris was a hydraulic engineer who became an amateur geologist who was extremely disrespectful of professional geologists and other scientists in general and devoted his life to prove that they were wrong, causing the scientific community (of which I was a part) and the academic community at large to become hostile toward the message of the gospel of Christ. He also persuaded tens of thousands of young Christian men and women that one could not believe in both the Bible and evolution, and since these young men and women knew that the scientific data in support of evolution was vast, and that the scientific data proving that the flood depicted in the story of Noah’s Ark never occurred (and was an absolute impossibility) was conclusive, they chose to believe in evolution and set aside their Bibles—and ultimately their Christian faith.

    I must admit, however, that I am a bit biased because I was one of millions of young people who learned from Henry Morris that Christianity is a religion of intellectually challenged baboons suffering from the late stages of dementia. Therefore, when people witnessed to me about Jesus, I knew that he was another fictional character in a fictional book and I paid no attention to the ranting of those uneducated fools.

    By the grace of God, however, He brought into my life a young Baptist man who became my friend and helped me to consider that there was at least a very slight possibility that there really was a man named Jesus who was the Son of God and that He could help me in areas of my life where I needed help. Henry Morris, however, and others like him, continued to heavily influence me to believe that Christianity was an absolutely false religion. It was not until an Assemblies of God Church held a Sunday night prayer meeting that lasted till midnight for me to be saved that I began to escape from the pernicious influence of Henry Morris and others like him.

    I have now been a Christian for many years, but the damage that Henry Morris did in my life, the life of my friends, and the lives of millions of young people all over the civilized world, is an evil of a magnitude that it is very difficult for me to forgive.

    Charles Darwin, on the other hand, for the sake of the truth, in spite of the flak that he knew he would receive, and in spite of the upheaval that he knew would occur if he published his findings, took courage and published his findings that have done more good for more people than the discoveries of almost any other scientist that has ever lived. Indeed, the principles of natural selection, work out by Charles Darwin, are absolutely fundamental to our understanding of the world we live in and what we must do to preserve it.

    My first sentence in this post was sarcastic.


  6. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    I think I understand your point ratehe clearly. The one thing I have been struggling is an answer for what Genesis truly teaches in in light of its historical context in more detail other than just "God created."

    I have come to the conclusion that many would contend that Genesis teaches the world is flat yet are afraid to say something and give answers other than the book of Genesis teaches God created. If the Bible is true then how does that kind of message stack up against what many claim that all scripture is absolutely true.

    My point has been for many years is that God considered the readers and sought to reach them with the message in terms they could understand. If not, then God chose to violate his own ten commandments when he told Abraham to offer up Isaac.

    I am sure I do not have alkl the answers but I am content to say I am trying to do my best to interpret scripture correctly in light of its hostorical context.
  7. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    wow! lifting Charles Darwin above Henry Morris?

    Charles - entered college; fascinated by biology and began studying botany and theology.

    Henry - hydraulics engineer; amateur geoligist; disrespectful of other geologists and scientists...

    Henry Morris was a man of God who revealed the falsehoods of man's philosophical thinking and many scientific theories that were only theories.

    Once again, the man of God is made to look a fool while the fool is made to look wise.
  8. SeekingTruth

    SeekingTruth Member

    May 25, 2005
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    There are tooo many who sieze every opportunity to bash those who despise the THEORY of evolution and believe in a literal creation as described in Genesis. Why must those who support Darwinism persist in making comments such as CBTS did in his post:
    He claims to be a Christian, yet makes such comments about another Christian such as Dr. Morris. This is totally inappropriate.

    I do not accept evolution and will never accept that Satanic theory. It seems to me that those who follow Darwin are the ones who should be called "intellectual baoons suffering from the late stages of dementia". Only a demented person would dispute God's record as delivered to us in the scriptures.
  9. Phillip

    Phillip <b>Moderator</b>

    Jun 29, 2001
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    I think there are very few here that believe in evolution; and those who do are blinded (just as the Bible says) to the truth. Most are wrapped up in their little liberal ivory towers where they run around with other little liberals who live in the same ivory tower boosting each other with evolution.

    If any damage was done by Dr. Morris, it is because those who could not accept the truth as written in the Bible were predicted by Jesus in the first century.

    Bottom line, I bet CBTS has damaged just as many people by telling them that Dr. Morris is wrong and confusing the truth himself. This is not a personal attack, simply stating what I feel to be true. After all that slanderous statement made about a dead man who worked hard to share his Christianity was out of line.

    Just because CBTS is one of the three or four here who are blinded by evolution does not mean Dr. Morris caused any damage to anyone, and you can bet the biology departments of today (of which I have taken many hours) are full of theories and not facts. Life is simply too comoplex to have derived from a few molecules that start replicating themselves into a cell that has more chemical functions than an oil refinery.
  10. Craigbythesea

    Craigbythesea Active Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Anyone who would take the word of fool like Morris, who knew nothing about biology and close to nothing about geology, over a multitude of thousands of Ph.D. biologist and geologists, many of whom are Christians, most obviously abhors the truth and loves lies and deceptions, so there is no point in a Christian debating them so I shall not bother. I do fear, however, that they will spend eternity in the fires of hell with the prince of all liars, but their reward will most certainly be just.

  11. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Henry Morris was a christian, Craig. Just because he was able to disprove all the evolutionist theories by Biblical studies is no reason to be calling him a fool.

    I believe the Bible says something about calling a christian brother a fool and the consequences for doing so.
  12. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    1 Corinthians 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

    There ya have it folks, Craig has spoken. He has condemned fellow believers in Christ to the eternal fires of hell. I am so glad that God and His Holy Word says that whosoever believeth in Him shall not be ashamed. I shall see Henry Morris in Heaven someday... but first I will spend some time with Jesus Christ
  13. Craigbythesea

    Craigbythesea Active Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Moderators of Christian message boards who so despise their Savior who died for them that they would dare to post libelous and malicious ad hominem attacks against Christian members of those boards shall most certainly have reserved for them in the fires of hell a place of especially horrendous punishment. May such despisers of our Savior be brought to repentance before their day of judgment.

  14. Craigbythesea

    Craigbythesea Active Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    We know for an incontrovertible fact that the story of Noah’s Ark in the Book of Genesis is not has accurate account of an historical event because such a flood never occurred and if it had, it would have been absolutely impossible for a family of eight to keep alive more than a few species of plants and animals. We also know for an incontrovertible fact that the earth is at least hundreds of millions of years old.

    The first eleven chapters of Genesis constitute a series of redacted epic stories. Christian fundamentalist extremists who choose to deny irrefutable facts are an embarrassment not only to themselves but to all Christians. We all need to accept the facts as they are and seriously consider why these eleven chapters are part of the Old Testament Canon and what God wants us to learn from them.

    Ever since I have been a Christian, these eleven chapters have been very special to me because they majestically portray God in an exceedingly glorious manner while at the same time they picture for us in a graphic manner the utter sinfulness of man and the absolute holiness of God.

  15. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    You don't hold the first 11 chapters of Genesis special to you at all. You deny the account of the flood that is found in 3 of those chapters. You sir, are denying God's Holy Word and saying you hold it special at the same time?

    God's Holy Word tells us in the book of James - 'A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.' I believe the Bible from cover to cover. If it says there was a flood, there was a flood. If it says that flood covered all the earth and only Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives were saved of all mankind, then it is so.

    God is not a man that He should lie. Numbers 23:19
  16. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Closed - this has ceased to be a discussion on the passing of Henry Morris and has become a series of casting doubts on other members salvation.