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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    REALLY windy here but no flakes! We have underground utilities and lost electric twice already! It's 23° but the wind chill is 0°! I'm going to curl up in bed and watch t.v.

  2. Turpius

    Turpius New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
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    We missed the brunt of the storm, only has an inch or two, instead of the 8+ they were telling us we were due for. Praise the Lord for wrong Meteorologists!
  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    I got up and put the inserts together, then rolled and bagged the papers. Hubby is getting up to deliver them.

    It is 12º with very icy roads. At least the wind has died down some! There are a lot of power lines down all over town. I'm not budging out of this house until tomorrow...

    My back feels better this morning, but then it always feels better in the morning. It is so boring sitting in a recliner all day with a heating pad. Makes me feel like an invalid, but it seems to be working.

    I missed so much work when I had pneumonia - I don't want to miss anymore, so one more day of 'reclining', then back to the corner tomorrow (I hope).

    Going to put a pot roast, potatoes, and carrots in the crock pot this morning, then add a salad at the table. It will be a hot, yummy and easy Sunday dinner.

    §ue (hope no one is snowed in)
  4. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good morning everyone.

    We had a lot of strong wind yesterday with snow that was blinding. Thank the Lord it was only the powdery kind instead of the wet, heavy kind. It blew into the grass and around, and some did stick in places. But, for the most part, it was just a "dusting", though at times yesterday it was almost zero visibility.

    It is VERY cold here this morning. 14 degrees with wind chills in the -5 to -10 area. The winds are still whipping pretty good out there. Doesn't look like Vivian or I will be going anywhere today.

    Sue, you keep nursing that back. My mom lives up there in Pekin, and I still haven't been able to reach her or my brother Mike. Don't know how bad it is up in their neck of the woods, though it's not too far from you.

    Diane, you stay warm, too. I hear it's pretty cold down that way. Hope my mother in law is okay in that dinky little mobile home she lives in in S. Augusta. It was supposed to be pretty cold there, too.

    Turpius, glad you missed the brunt of the storm. I have a sis in law in Pittsburgh that we can't reach right now, and an "adopted" daughter working in a mission in Rochester, NY. Our daughter said they had 2 feet plus of snow and the worst was yet to come.


    Tony & Viv
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    YIKES! It's 15° this morning but the wind chill is below 0°. We still have 28 mph winds. I've got things blown over all over our yard. Even my 'pump' fountain is overturned.

    I bet S/S is sparse today with it being so cold! EXCEPT.... I bet some will make sure they come this morning so they can watch the football game this afternoon.

    Glad you're doing better Sue and hope that ice is gone before tomorrow morning so you'll be safe!

    Turp and Tony..... stay warm and be safe. I've got to rush to get ready for Sunday School.
  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Tony: Maybe the phone lines are down from the ice?

    It gets worse the farther north you go, but I don't think Pekin got it much worse than we did.

    In the Chicago area, they are buried under snow.

    Diane: We had the terrible winds yesterday and Friday. They have died down to nothing right now...
  7. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    I may try my brothers cell phone # when he gets home from church...that is if he was even able to go. They drive all the way up to Peoria to go to a large Community Church there. Thanks for the heads up, though, Sue.
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Oooohhhh it sounds cold there! It's up to 24° here but the WIND CHILL is still around zero!

    We've got to be back at church at 4:45. I think I'll take a little nap. Jim's watching a music video of Josh Groban and Nick's playing across the street INSIDE. Kitty's already napping.
  9. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Tav says, "Kitty's already napping."

    To which Blackbird so innocently responds

  10. Purple Lady

    Purple Lady <img src=/PurpleLady2.jpg>

    Aug 31, 2001
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    Wow, you all seem to be really COLD!
    We are doing ok, wet is normall for us anyway. We moved a few months ago into a place with a small creek in the back yard. That creek is now a lake..

    Today is a good day to curl up with the Good Book.

  11. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Very cold here too. But the sun is out and it is a beautiful day. When I came home from church, one of our huskies was sprawled out in the middle of the backyard soaking up the sunshine. She has such a thick coat I guess the cold feels good to her. She wouldn't even come in last night, just danced around the deck and barked when I let the other one in. Wouldn't even come near me cause she knew I'd catch her! Oh well she had a nice house full of hay to sleep in...

    The football games today should be fun. I only half way feel sorry that they are playing in the snow. That is what we're going to do today. Just sit and watch football. I'll probably work on some crochet or some crosstitch at the same time.
  12. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well I must tell you that I crawled in bed with Patches and slept two long hard hours. I've been having so many WEIRD dreams at night that I'm waking sometimes every hour. Not nightmares but weird. Of course, I also have nightsweats and hot flashes but only during the night.

    My grandmother taught me some basic crochet 45 years ago and I can only chain stitch now. The tension is off too. I'd love to be able to crochet again. I NEED something to do those days I have to sit with Jack. Posting for 5 hours a day gets boring, to be truthful.
  13. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Well, there were 18 at church today, and no kids. We have little over a foot of snow, and you have to dig your car out to get anywhere. DH got up and dug out our car, which was parked around the corner, and we headed for church to find there was nowhere to park where you wouldn't have to dig a space out first. So I reluctantly dropped off DH and DD, and simply went home. Got a call a little while later from the church saying that some folks were just coming in with their 4x4, and would I like for them to pick me up. I said yes, and before we left, he carved out the space in front of my house for our car with the 4x4, and I moved the car into it. When we got there, they were just starting to gather in the sanctuary for a service, having used the SS time for coffee and bagels, waiting to see who would come. So, here we are in the snowed out city, where lately we have had over 100 for morning service, with 18 folk. Even the senior pastor didn't make it, as he pulled something while shoveling at the church yesterday, and had considerable pain. So the assistant preached to the few of us (after a good hymnsing) about refuge in the Lord. Most of the 18 walked, with the exception of my family and the folks who picked us up.

    If I go in to work tomorrow, I'm leaving the car where it is, and taking the bus to the elevated train to get into downtown. Takes longer, but no getting the car out!
  14. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Well, Debby, we had 19 in church! Of coruse, it was bright sunshine, 60F and 25mph winds (which warm it up) and a downright lovely day. But DID pray for those with weather issues as reports of huge snow/cold were evident.
  15. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    We had 19 also, in our 4 year old Sunday School class. A few more came in for church tho. It's almost too many for just two people. I get a good 10 -15 mins. lesson but the rest of the time is coloring, singing little children praise songs or playing.

    It is SO cold! 20 now but strong winds still so our wind chill is very low. My mother lives on the side of a mountain in Cleveland, Ga. in her vacation cabin. Her water lines keep freezing but two young brothers who live in the cabins year round have helped her out by unthawing her lines and today built some boxes to cover the pipes. The filled them with insulation hoping that would help. Her cabin is built on 8' stilts because of the lay of the property. She's leaving for Fla. this week.
  16. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    It's 34 here with a wind chill of 25. Low of 18 forecasted for tomorrow.
    We are 20 to 30 miles north of the Florida state line.
  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Anyone going to watch Numb3rs? It's coming on here right now and I have Ty tomorrow at 5:30 a.m. so I think I'll head to bed.

    SUE I will sure be praying for that back and your trip to the corner tomorrow.

    Gayla I haven't forgotten you waiting on the tumor marker tests and am expecting a big praise report.

    Dr. Bob Congrats on those good numbers at your new church start up!

    Sheila Didn't see you online today and pray all is well!

    Tony, Turp, Cindi and Debby Hope you keep warm and wishing you safety as you head out to work tomorrow!

    Blackbird Lay off the kitties you mean old preacher man! [​IMG]

    Night all!
  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    My back still hurts, but not to the point where I can't work the corner. I just can't make any quick turns. :rolleyes:

    It is warmer here this morning @ 23º and no snow! It is supposed to be a little warmer all week with no precipitation. We shall see...

    §ue [​IMG]
  19. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good morning everyone! It's still mighty cold here, only 23 right now with wind chills at near zero. Still having some flurries here in the country. But, can live with that.
    When Vivian went out to the car this morning, she had to scrape all of the windows. There was a hard, heavy frost on all of them. She said it melted down by the time she got to end of County Line Rd., just off of Sudberry Rd. where we live.

    Sue, my back is still acting up, too. It's bad enough where even my cane doesn't help right now. But, I'm just glad I can get up and down out of bed, quite unlike Thursday when Viv had to come home from work to help me move around.

    Diane, keep warm. My sis' and in laws in Augusta say it's cold there, too.

    Dr. Bob, GREAT to hear that you had 19 for church! What a blessing to my heart! Also glad that you are having some enjoyable weather! God continue to bless! [​IMG]

    Everyone keep safe and warm! [​IMG]

    Tony & Viv
  20. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Morning Tony and Sue and all who come later!
    It's only 19° here right now but the afternoon temps for the rest of the week should be fine.
    Jan 24 Sunny 45°F 27°F 0%

    Jan 25 Mostly Sunny 54°F 38°F 0%

    Jan 26 AM Clouds / PM Sun 63°F 39°F 20%

    Jan 27 Partly Cloudy 56°F 35°F 0%

    Jan 28 Mostly Cloudy 49°F 35°F 20%

    Jan 29 Showers 47°F 39°F 40%

    Jan 30 Few Showers 53°F 41°F 30%

    That forcast isn't bad at ALL! [​IMG]

    Well off for a quick gander around the board and then things to do today.