Baptist DEBATE (baptist only)

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Rev. Lowery, Nov 21, 2005.

  1. Frogman <img src="

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Dear GloryToGod,
    The hard part is that sometimes you may not intend your statement(s) to be as others perceive them.

    This is a tricky part of internet discussion forums and email discussions.

    We are not able to determine, through body signals, facial expressions, etc. the poster's tone.

    This does not always justify others' quick willingness to jump on someone for a statement.

    However, if more and more of us realize the truth concerning these difficulties in internet communication, then we can exhibit more and more of the grace of God that is in us.

    May God Bless us all to grow in knowledge of His infinite Mercy and Longsuffering with ourselves,
    Bro. Dallas
  2. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    And that is after agreeing to the rules when signing up. That is the part I really get tired of. There are many discussion boards I am not a member of because I don't like their rules or their values.

    Joseph Botwinick
  3. Frogman <img src="

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Dear Brother Mike,
    I just checked out your web page, May God Richly Bless you and your efforts dear brother.

    I also want to say I agree with you. When I first got on the BB my head spun daily.

    Well, not daily. I was blessed to be in an occupation that permitted me to be on only on Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday.

    I worked away from home during the week.

    This gave me time during the week to formulate my arguments, etc. The problem was that most of the topics I was discussing the previous weekend I couldn't find when I got back.

    So, I would have to engage with other topics.

    Soon, I learned that many people differed with me in some ways, but they still possessed a desire to honor and Glorify Christ.

    Another key to my learning patience is that I learned this is a place of common fellowship; this is not the church, nor a representative of the church;

    We practice neither of the ordinances of the church, right?

    So, I do not have to maintain or begin any disciplinary measures according my particular baptistic views.

    This does not mean I have compromised what I believe, but that I have learned to present it in a less offensive manner. In this way I can speak my convictions, leaving the operation of conversion to the Spirit.

    Of course this works two opponent is likewise free to speak his/her convictions and likewise permit the Spirit to operate.

    The one in error will hopefully be taught by the interaction, the sincere desire to know and gain a better understanding of God's Word and by His Power be convinced of the truth.

    Otherwise, if I am merely head strong in my view, I will turn others away.

    Still, this does not mean they are unregenerate.

    May God Bless,
    Bro. Dallas
  4. Marco Guest

    I don't think Glory said anything wrong. She was honest. She also said
    Probably is not a definite. Anyway, I understood what she meant. But if some find offense than what can you do. It's like walking on egg shells here sometimes.
  5. Frogman <img src="

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Brother Joseph,

    The same is true in relation to our churches.

    The truth is also there for me to grasp that many of our differences, though admittedly not all, are no more than semantics.

    Bro. Dallas

    Hey, I was at Denny's on Shackleford Rd, in L. Rock today and thought of you, hope you and your family are well.
  6. Glory-to-God Guest

    Not sure I am doing anything wrong...but just giving my opinion just like everyone else on here. My problem arises when I get rebuked for misperceptions while others who flat out attack and are very rude to me or others get NO I am not so sure what anyone expects since the rules do not apply the same for all...can be real confusing.

    That said, if I do something that is obviously wrong ....not just perceived as wrong...let me know and I will try not to do it again and apoligize for it. But I also will not stand being attacked and misunderstood for NO reason at all.

  7. Frogman <img src="

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Probably is not a definite. Anyway, I understood what she meant. But if some find offense than what can you do. It's like walking on egg shells here sometimes. </font>[/QUOTE]Dear Marco,
    I don't think Glory did anything wrong, nor said anything wrong.

    I only pointed it out as a statement that some do take offense.

    I began to see where I made statements in the same way, esp. to some who I perceived always responding to me in that manner, etc.

    When I realized this, I made a conscious effort to stop and I found that I was less offended by others and less offensive to others.

    Bro. Dallas
  8. Frogman <img src="

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Dear Glory,
    I understand.

    Just saying, the first and best way to be helpful is to be sensitive to things that may offend others.

    I know there are some instances where we cannot do this, I often have to just bite my lip.

    I sometimes have a very sore lip.

    Misperceptions cannot sometimes be contrived, that is true.

    The best advice I can give anyone is to always report posts that you feel sensitive.

    Then patiently await.

    That is the best I can do. Sorry.

    Bro. Dallas
  9. Glory-to-God Guest

    Hey Frogman I cannot worry or be responsible for the way people take things! I am not personally attacking is not MY fault if someone doesn't agree with is their job to articulate their point of view and my job to defend mine. If I am wrong and realize they were right I would be the first to admit hey you were right. By the way I have NEVER been angry on this board...not sure why it is perceived that way....just because I can articulate my views.

    Like I said before this is a debate board...all boards are subject to opinions and facts....not making friends and focusing on that for the nondebate forums.

    It is the mature person who DOESN'T get his feelings hurt if someone doesn't agree with him or finds holes in his arguements.

    I have been told by my Pastor I am very MATURE in the way I handle people and situations... he wishes more were like me. if they were he wouldn't have so many problems with people.

    I am very secure with what i know and believe....both about God and myself.

  10. Frogman <img src="

    Jan 15, 2001
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    Dear Sister,
    I am sure you are secure in what you believe.

    Permit me to say one thing in regards to your opening statement above:

    Ge 4:9 (KJV) And the LORD said unto Cain, Where [is] Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: [Am] I my brother's keeper?

    All I am pointing out is that we sometimes don't debate, though we think that we debate, we argue.

    We argue, debate is not an arguement.

    Anyway, I was given my thoughts only. No one has to do as I say.

    Bro. Dallas
  11. Glory-to-God Guest

    No Frogman I debate not agrue. I use scripture...facts...personal experences. all tools used in " debating " People who argue deal more with emotions....hurt feelings and the like they attack the messagenger NOT the message...their focus isn't on the subject but on the person. I have found insecure people who CANNOT back up what they believe have a BIG problem with arguing...people who can back up what they believe are made out to be wrong when it is actually the other way around.

    The ONLY time I have gotten MY FEELINGS involved is when I first have been attacked and not by just one person but many all at once. And when justice isn't done to control it should be.

    Sorry Frogman I debate not argue.
  12. Rev. Lowery New Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    I must apologize for my outburst but I dont apologize for my beliefs and I feel that no one should ever do so if your beliefs can be backed 100% by the whole word of God then you have a foundation that will never fail you.......
    Things like denominations, doctrine, and "religion" divide us daily and cause the lost to distrust and flee from Christ we must be one body, one mind in Christ. Will there be division in Heaven? Will Baptist worship differantly than Catholic? Will methodist worship seperate from Pentacost? Then why should we do these things here on earth.

    1 Corinthians 1:10-17 (King James Version)

    10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

    11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.

    12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.

    13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?

    14 I thank God that I baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gaius;

    15 Lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name.

    16 And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

    17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

    People say but doctrine is important it tells us this in the Bible. But, the doctrine to be preached and followed is the gospel of Christ. Not well we'll take this part and focus on it and call ourselfs Baptist because we believe stronger in baptism. Or we believe in speaking in touges at ever service like the apostles did in Acts on the day of pentacost so we will focus on that and call ourselves Pentacost. This was never intended. Only the Gospel is true doctrine folks. When we see this we want need to debate there can be no debate over the Word of God its always right, always in love, and always from God.

    I cant say that I am a well educated man. I dont know alot of things in this world. I do know that "Religion" is mans why of reaching God.
    But, Christ was God reaching back to man.
    Religion will never save you. Doctrine will never save you. Only the true heartfelt acceptance of Christ as LORD and SAVIOR.
    This is what matters and we as Christ must not disagree on any aspect of the Bible. Even if it hurts your feelings or makes you question doctrine. Man made doctrines and denominations so they are flawed from the start. The Word is of God, is God, and meant to edify Christ in our hearts, lifes, and soul. If your doctrine disagrees with the Word then it's wrong. If that hurts then get down on those knees and pray God gives you wisdom and understanding. The Bible isn't a mistery its clear and we as Christians should see that.

    Once Saved always Saved isn't debatable.
    You either are saved or your not.
    The bible is clear.

    Divorce isnt debatable the Bible is clear.
    God hates it.
    Its a sin.
    It's permited for adultery.

    Pastors, Deacons, Elders and Womens roles in Church are not debatable.
    1 Tim. 3 is very clear

    There is an order to Church this is not debatable.
    1 Corinthians 14:26-40 is literal and contextual
    If your unsure of where, pray about it.
    The Message Translation really helps to clear up any confusion here also.

    Not all Marriage is of God if they where then we would have to include Gay marriage. Which the Bible is clear on homosexuality is an abomination to God. There can be no debate.

    Brothers and Sisters the Word of God is not something to twist to fit your life.

    The Bible is meant to be literal in some case's
    and taken in context in others. To often Christians confuse literal with context. Then the Word gets mistaught and its down hill from there. Its almost impossible to unlearn something even when faced with truth and the truth is The Word is God and God is Truth.
    To often we take someones word as truth and we dont research for ourselves thats how you get Bad doctrine. Always be searching the Word of God
    never take anyones word for truth if They cant back it up with scripture it's wrong.

    I will leave you with this thought. Are my ways Gods ways? Is my will subjective to Gods will?

    Rev. Jerry D. Lowery
  13. Glory-to-God Guest

    Rev Lowery I haven't read any of your post just the ones on this thread. And personally I agreed with everything you just said except one tiny part....the part about Catholics and Methodist. Not so sure there are going to be too many of those in Heaven as they are "WORKS" based religions....not to say they can't get saved and remain in that kind of church....God can save them in spite of their churches teachings.

    But everything else you said sounded good.

  14. Bible-boy Active Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    Sorry Rev. Lowery,

    The Baptist Board is not a church and it surely is not Heaven. ;) It is a website that is paid for by the webmaster. He invites all of us to post here according to the rules established for the Baptist Board. Posting here is a privilage (like being a guest in someone's home). It is not a right.

    As such there are Baptist Only sections of the Baptist Board. Thus, it is the responsibility of the moderators and administrators to make sure that non-Baptists do not post in the Baptist only sections. Regardless of how you feel about this policy you agreed to follow the Baptist Board rules when you registered to become a member. You cannot break a rule which you agreed to keep just because you don't like the rule. What does that say about your Christian witness?

    You do not identify yourself as a Baptist nor indicate that you are a member of a Baptist church in your profile. Therefore, I must ask you to refrain from posting in the Baptist Only sections of the BB and limit your posting to the section set aside for all Christians.

    I am now going to close/lock this thread and move a copy of it into the Other Christian Denominations section of the Christian DEBATE Forums (All Christians).

    Yours in Christ,

    Forum Modrator