Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. dianetavegia Guest

    Morning All! Ty is beginning to go right back to sleep most mornings but I'm awake from 5:15 until I know he's asleep and then it takes me a while to get back asleep. I did sneak in another hour this morning but had stayed awake til after 11:00 last night. I might just sneak in a nap this afternoon before picking up all the kids and AWANA tonight.

    BornBaptist... do you work nights? Our son who is 28 works 12 hour nights and told me recently that on his days off, he tries to stay close to the same schedule by staying up late and then sleeping later in the day. Not til 2:00 tho. Jon works 7 p.m. til 7 a.m. in OUR town but he lives an hour from here in Atlanta. It's only about 45 miles but with traffic....

    Sue, Oh how I dread the weekends for you! When we did the papers, they had to be delivered by 6:30 every morning but on Sat. and Sunday, we had til 7:30. Sunday and Thursday was the worst! Coupons!!

    Seems like green and brown would make the room seem even darker! Did you get him a lock for his door so he can lock it and don't you DARE go make that grown man's bed! LOL. You've got enough to do already. I surely wouldn't go looking for his laundry either. When Jon lived here he did his own laundry and would fold mine if it was still in the dryer. He'd unload the d/w too. He came last week and did our yard work since his dad had been working 7 days a week. Now if I could just get him married! We have a joke.... you can't say 'Will you marry me until you say Hi, my name is Jon'!

    Off for a quick board check before I get busy.

  2. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    LOL Diane!

    I do not make Bobby's bed, but I do his washing and ironing. He will have to bring it up to me though - I'm not gonna go down and get it!

    I wouldn't even be doing that, but he is working 35 hours a week at Cracker Barrel and the rest of his time is spent at the church with Preacher.

    He doesn't have a door yet... Dale made the door frame the wrong size and it costs a fortune to get a door that is over/under sized. Bobby wants 'saloon' type doors put up - if anything.

    No one goes to the basement anyway the hours he is home (usually just long enough to sleep) and there is a door he can shut at the top of the stairs, so we're not gonna worry about it right now (money is scarce).

    I'm off to take a couple of practice runs around the new paper route so it will be easier when I actually deliver them later today.

    On Saturday, the papers must be delivered by 6:00AM. Sunday we have until 7:00AM. Monday thru Friday, we have until 5:00PM. It will be a rush on the week-days (because of working on the corner), but I think we can do it...

  3. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Sue, I didn't know one had a choice! You must be a wonderful paper person. We are just glad that we get our paper and you know they are very good at hitting the water puddle when it rains.

    Occasionally, we have had carriers that would put the paper on the porch, but it was usually when they used our driveway to turn around.

    As to making a grown man's bed, when our grown son lived with us, I would make his bed because to keep the air conditioning circulating properly we had to leave the door open; otherwise, I would have just closed the door. Also, I think that closets have doors to be closed, but he thought it was a waste of time to open and close closet doors. He did his own laundry! Cooked most of his meals (if we didn't have any leftovers) because his schedule was very different from ours.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  4. dianetavegia Guest

    If I mail you my ironing, will you do it too? I hid it in a closet while Sheila was here because she said she'd iron it and I didn't want to be tempted. LOLOLOL

    Honestly, I've told Jim that he MUST stop buying 100% cotton dress pants! The new irons don't get hot enough and he is VERY picky! He has to have a super sharp crease ..... For WHAT? He drives an hour to work and by time he gets there, they're wrinkled!!! Give me a break! He should be thankful I iron his shirts... Oh Wait. I don't! It's .47 cents a shirt to have them washed, starched, ironed and put on hangers at the dry cleaners. I'm no dummy. I do let him pick them up tho. Gotta let him have SOME fun!
  5. following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Diane, you should have taken me up on my offer while I was there. I have spent most of the afternoon ironing. I am taking a break now. Housework is something of a shock to my system after the wonderful time we had in the U.S.

    Will look in later,


  6. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Boy Howdy from sunny and cool Wyoming. Left Laguna Beach Tuesday morning and fought the Santa Ana winds (blowing sand and dust) up to the high desert.

    275 on the 15 across the Mojave in California
    100 on the 15 across more desert and Las Vegas in Nevada
    30 on the 15 across the corner of Arizona in the Virgin River canyon (awesome)
    300 on the 15 straight up Utah to Provo and BYU and overnight.

    Then today a 60 mile "shortcut" through the mountains to miss Salt Lake City and connect with I-80
    220 on I-80 across southern Wyoming (ugly)
    120 up 789/220 to Casper (snow squalls on the mountains but dry roads)

    Made for 36 hours in the car coming/going, but love books on tape and listened to 9-cassette Sherlock Holmes, 4-cassette Truman bio, 8-cassette Cokie Roberts on marriage, 4-cassette Chuck Colson on Being the Body, 6-cassette Antietam by James McPherson + a few odds and ends.

    And so it goes. Think I will sit and mellow in the stillness and NOT moving atmosphere of my living room! And praising God for being home!
  7. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Yesterday was a long and busy day. I started my 2nd paper route and it was SO hot! I was wringing wet before I even went to the corner.

    It now takes me from 1:30 until 5:00 to do the papers (including 30 minutes for the corner). I will get faster as I learn the new route...

    Betty: If it even 'looks' like rain, I bag my papers! If we don't put the paper exactly where they want it, they call the Courier and complain - too many complaints = no job...

    Dr. Bob: Welcome home! Good to have you back on board - errr, off board?
  8. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Morning back at you, Sue, and all. It was odd to wake up this morning to beautiful blue sky just like California . . and step out into 35F instead of 75F.

    THAT will shock the bones!
  9. dianetavegia Guest

    Hi all, We had a home school day at the county Ag center and Nick got to shoot a musket gun! He was thrilled! There was quite a bit of interesting things to see and stories to hear. Ty got tired after about 1 1/2 hours and so did I! Nick loved holding the newborn chicks and petting the donkey. LOL

    I'm BEAT and it's time to pick up the kids in just a few minutes. I'll have to awaken Ty early today. :( I fell asleep on his pallet with him thie morning so slept on the hard floor for 3 hours. I'll sure hurt tomorrow! He doesn't come on Friday's so I can sleep in until Monday morning now.

  10. dianetavegia Guest

    Well I get to sleep late tomorrow but think I'll go to bed early tonight.

    Sue, has REALLY helped our daughter. Erin got all the shipping boxes and peanuts she needed for FREE.

    I went to Freecycle and was able to give away 2 newer bikes that Jon had been given, some large pieces of plywood that a lady needed to build some cat scratching posts for the discarded animals she rescues and 5 5 gallon buckets that cat litter comes in. The one family has a 12 year old and 15 year old with no bikes. Thanks for pointing out that site! Sign up for YOUR LOCAL area.

  11. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Diane! You mean you're gonna sleep all week-end?

    FreeCycle has been wonderful to us. We got Brent free bunk beds with mattresses and Bobby a twin size bed with headboard, footboard, mattress, and box springs.

    Just this week, I got a free left-handed chair with a table top for writing. Brent is a 'southpaw' and they only have right-handed chairs at his school. Grandpa will go pick it up on Saturday.

    I have given away several things that were too good to throw away and too large to sell on eBay and ship.

    I am tired tonight. Brent has just gone to bed and I am heading that way right behind him.

    Pleasant dreams all!

  12. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    I'm tired, too. Body clock is off and my physical being is just weary. Aches like a flu bug, but it is just 18 hours driving, 4 days of rough-housing with kids (and the surf) and 18 hours of driving back.

    Think I shall retire early. TTFN.
  13. following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    I hope you both sleep well and awaken refreshed, ready for a new day in the Lord.

    God Bless

  14. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning Sheila and all:

    I'm not awake enough to know if I feel refreshed or not, but I didn't sleep very well. :(

    Another hot, humid day here. I believe it is supposed to be a few degrees cooler the next few days.

    I had a nice phone chat with my sis yesterday. She turned 74 in July and celebrated her 56th anniversary this month!

    Tonight is 'family night' at our house. We get movies to watch together and just 'chill out'. :D

    We really don't get a day of rest anymore because we deliver papers seven days a week. :rolleyes:

    Off to check other forums...
  15. Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    So, who is going to stand in the corner? :confused:

    Good morning Dr. Bob, Sheila, Sue, and anybody who may venture in here the next couple of hours! Trust all is well with you folks, and are enjoying the scenery here at the Common Ground Coffee House.
  16. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    And G'Morning to you all. Seems like I was just here.
  17. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning Dr. Bob and Barnabas!

    Barnabas: I posted that at 4:36AM. I don't go to the corner until 7:45AM.

    However, I can think of a few posters I would LOVE to stand 'in' the corner! :rolleyes:

    Diane said she would be sleeping in until Monday morning so I guess we won't be hearing from her for a few days...

    Time to do ironing AGAIN! :(

  18. DavidsAngel Guest

    Good Morning everyone!!!

    Sorry i'm a little laste in posting this morning but, i've been cleaning up my house. I have cleaned carpets, and mopped floors. I have the kids working on the laundry since they are out of school.

    I'm going to be baking some Choclate Chip cookies with Fall pieces in them later. Not sure what's for dinner but, I will think of something.

    I have been having some pain over the week and weekend and i've been told i'm very stressed, LOL who knew.

    I'll talk to you later!
  19. dianetavegia Guest

    LOL, Sue! I slept til almost 8 a.m. but am STILL tired! It's almost time to pick up the kids but I only get the two sisters today. Jim works til 8 p.m.

    Been doing laundry and really need to clean carpet. :( The 5 year old boy has tracked something into my living room. Sure can't do it while the kids are here tho! They'll just walk all over it again while it's still wet!

    We're having lovely weather. It's 82° but gets down nice and cool at night. I am SO ready for Fall!

  20. Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Can't wait for the leaves to turn! Alas, Spring and Fall are both too short.

    Had a very busy week, and was all ready to play in the first concert of the season tonight at Philadelphia Biblical Universtiy. I'm a percussionist in the Symphonic Band. BUT, got a call yesterday from the school saying that the concert was cancelled because our band director - a talented trumpet player and professor - had taken a massive heart attack, and gone home to be with the Lord! What a shocker. Just rehearsed with him on Tuesday. This dear man has several grown children, all musical, and he and his family had served at a MK school in Africa for several years. He will be missed. But I know he is having a great time, maybe playing his trumpet with angels before the Throne! And no one's out of tune where he is!

    Sorry to be so depressing, but it does remind you that we are not promised even tomorrow - but we are promised that He is with us, and that's enough!! Amen?