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Nate & Amy: Our Calling

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Nathan Winkel, Oct 15, 2024.

  1. Nathan Winkel

    Nathan Winkel New Member

    Oct 15, 2024
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Good afternoon,

    We are Nate & Amy and we feel through the Holy Spirit that we have been truly called and now it is up to us if we will surrender our ways to carry our cross so that we to may be among The Chosen who are moved by Faith through remaining steadfast in Prayer (as Paul said) and not by the pressure of Fear (demands of the almighty $).

    We came to Christ together and realized the honey moon phase of salvation eventually ends, then comes the necessity to turn away from our sins (totally). This was a war that we won (by steadfast Prayer & Gospel reading), and as a result we were changed forever by Baptism and a total Rebirth in Christ. We finally began daily dedicated studying of the Gospels and took our routine (one-way) prayers, into the war room, and got serious with reverent individual praying in “that secret place”.

    We still pray together but the majority of our praying is done alone, with The Lord, in silent reverence and with purpose like Paul wrote of in 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

    Between the growth in our Bible Study and our Prayer life, we were engulfed in the flame of The Holy Spirit and felt called to spread the Good News to those in hopeless situations and dark places. We no longer viewed giving the majority of our time and lives to working for dead end companies in a country that backslides with Pride into Babylon The Great (a lawless, enslaved nation because of a lack of bravery) to pay our enslaving bills (out of Fear) just to maintain our simple lives of ”security” in a box called an apartment.

    We prayed and we read and we prayed some more and kept reading and prayed even more and finally prayed again - before the The Holy Spirit got through to us: We like so many others were lukewarm comfortable Christians and something wasn’t quite right…

    The Lord showed us how fear keeps everyone in their Hypnotic Routines and Jesus who brought love disrupted that hypnotic enslavement by spreading the Gospel and working to build the kingdom of God, here and now on Earth, as in Heaven.

    We were given eyes to see that we were actually serving MONEY over The Lord. We loved the Lord and we called Him Lord but we were not MAKING HIM THE LORD OF OUR LIFE AND TRUSTING HIS WILL, instead of our own. Faith conquered Fear within our lives and souls at this time and changed everything.

    The moment we stopped serving/fearing money and being controlled by it, we became free and possessed that peace which passes all understanding. We could hear Jesus’ instructions clear as day. “Follow me”, and that was to be in a van or small RV to gather as many lost sheep as we could, before time runs out, and bring them home to the pastures of Salvation where the lost reclaim the Eternal Salvation Christ paid for them.

    Some family and friends think our decision is “reckless” and don’t understand how we plan on surviving. The irony is, we hope to show those same loved ones that “recklessness” can easily be confused with Faith on Fire! And surviving is exactly what we were sick of doing - we are ready to LIVE FOR CHRIST and unapologetically so.

    We aim to establish concrete Gospel prison ministries that will be able to run themselves after establishment, YouTube content of street ministering in the darkest places and WHATEVER else Jesus asks US to do. This day those 2 missions are what we have been specifically called to do as we head towards those affected by the flooding from Hurricane Helene to offer our services and labor in anyway needed.

    We, as born again, Biblically married and baptized Children of God, became one and our focus was laser sharp. Our master is Jesus of Nazareth and not the rent payment due on the 1st. We possess the Holy Spirit as promised because of Jesus sacrifice instead of fear because of the influence/pressures of the world (anti-christ spirit).

    We are nervous, excited and honored to carry out the will of The Champion over death and the lake of fire: Jesus Christ. We walk by faith and faith alone, for those lost sheep who have not accepted The Good News with humility as a gift, and bring them back into the Family of Christ.

    Why us? I think you’ll see….

    Fearless Faith Follows One Voice, The voice of the Messiah and desires one thing… saving the lost (sleeping) children of God and taking them back from Satans deceitful circus to the waters of everlasting life and divine PEACE in Christ Jesus of Nazareth.

    We will be making YouTube content as we begin this specific work for The Lord and build Jail & Prison Ministries, Street Preach and give to those with nothing who feel deep hopelessness and debate with the blind in Christ who think they can outwit The Word of God with hard hearts and brains filled with useless misinformation that is of the Adversary.

    We are so grateful to be able to post on this platform and so thankful for those of you who are able to give. For those who can’t we are just as excited for you to follow us and be transformed by the ride.

    Nate & Amy (BREAKING BARS)

    "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12
    #1 Nathan Winkel, Oct 15, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2024 at 4:11 PM
  2. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Welcome, Nate and Amy!
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  3. kyredneck

    kyredneck Well-Known Member
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    Jul 28, 2009
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    Welcome to the BB, Nate & Amy.
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  4. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Active Member

    Jun 7, 2017
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  5. Nathan Winkel

    Nathan Winkel New Member

    Oct 15, 2024
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Thank You! We are excited to be a part of this amazing community of believers! Praise Jesus and all Glory to The Living God!

    -Nate & Amy
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  6. Nathan Winkel

    Nathan Winkel New Member

    Oct 15, 2024
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Thanks to everyone who welcomed us so far. We can’t express enough how much we appreciate your kind and welcoming comments. This is the fruit of the Baptist Church though, the love and warm welcoming spirit that is the Holy Spirit!

    Thank you and we ask for your prayers as we jump into this new chapter of our lives purely in faith and aim to touch as many lives as possible and reclaim souls for The Kingdom of Heaven by sharing The Good News and Hope of Jesus Christ and being born again.

    -Nate & Amy
  7. Nathan Winkel

    Nathan Winkel New Member

    Oct 15, 2024
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Thank You!!! We humbly ask for your prayers as we begin this journey we feel called to jump into in Faith!

    -Nate & Amy
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Nathan Winkel

    Nathan Winkel New Member

    Oct 15, 2024
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Alpha & Omega! We serve an AWESOME God!

    -Nate & Amy
    • Winner Winner x 1