Roman Catholicism , cult or not? Part II

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Pastor_Bob, Mar 27, 2006.

  1. Chemnitz New Member

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Yeah, tp, didn't you know the scriptures were so you could trash Catholics. :rolleyes:

    Still waiting...
  2. BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian
  3. Chemnitz New Member

    Oct 25, 2001
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    "Revelation 12:6 and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days. "

    So why is it 1000 years is literal but 1260 days is figurative? Seems rather inconsistant to me.
  4. nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    I'm surprised being raised IFBC they see the SDA church as being a cult. So you wouldn't like that but you can get on BB and call others a cult. If the RCC is a cult so is your own SDA which has it's fair share of problems. "Pick the beam of your eye before worrying about the splinter in your brothers."
    In Christ,

    Eccere nullus-a-um salus-utis externus Christus!
  5. Eliyahu Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Nov 4, 2005
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    I'm surprised being raised IFBC they see the SDA church as being a cult. So you wouldn't like that but you can get on BB and call others a cult. If the RCC is a cult so is your own SDA which has it's fair share of problems. "Pick the beam of your eye before worrying about the splinter in your brothers."
    In Christ,

    Eccere nullus-a-um salus-utis externus Christus! [/QB][/QUOTE]

    In the past, I have been told many times that SDA is a cult. But thru this board and thru some of SDA people whom I met recently, I have confirmed that they have a strong and good faith within the Bible, even though I still disagree with them on some parts, which I believe God will work with them continuously.
    The problem with RCC is far different from that of SDA.
    SDA has never killed so many people as RCC did, SDA doesn't have the intention or aganda to rule over the world. We can judge the people by watching carefully how they interpret the Bible, how is their salvation, how much they try to devote on the Lord, and then their actual lives.
    I have noticed many SDA endure and tolerate any pain to keep their faith, even though they looked somhow legalistic from the view of many people. I see a lot of problem with JW, but we must differentiate SDA from them.
  6. nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    That may be your opinion. But the fact remains the SDA have problems. So does the RCC. Everyone on this board ya'll can't label everyone that disagree's with you a cult. Because then you do just as Eliyahu does and pick and choose who warrents justification of the term cult and who doesn't. All this based on opinion.
    In Christ,

    Eccere nullus-a-um salus-utis externus Christus!
  7. Claudia_T New Member

    May 11, 2004
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    Im an SDA and Ive always hated that label "cult". I think that it is unfair to call the catholic church a cult. To me, a cult is a group that has leaders who wont allow their members to find out any outside views for fear they might see their errors and leave the group.

    I just think that unfortunately, today people throw around the term "cult" like its going out of style. It makes it easy to instill fear in people about a group or church without having to just simply show people where that group deviates from the Bible.

    and by the way, its absolutely stupid to call the SDA church a cult, there are no grounds for doing that whatsoever. Ive seen so many people have a completely different view of our church once they find out what we actually believe and why... instead of the junk they have been told about us.

    You need to realize that because we are probably the most anti-catholic church around, that so many have started all manner of rumors about on the internet, etc.... to try to counteract us and hurt us.

    ....the catholic church isnt a cult either, they are very far from what the Bible teaches however.

  8. Claudia_T New Member

    May 11, 2004
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    also the entire Christian religion was a one time considered a cult.
  9. nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Amen good post Claudia.
  10. Eliyahu Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Nov 4, 2005
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    Maybe RCC is more than Cult.
    Even at the time when the whole Christianity was called Cult or Heretics, they didn't kill the people, they didn't promote the Idol Worship, they didn't have any governing body, they didn't control the politics. They didn't set up any Inquisiton. Early church never burnt the bibles. They were the victims of such brutal behavior as the True Believers suffered under RCC.
  11. Claudia_T New Member

    May 11, 2004
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    well of course christianity wasnt really a cult.

    Yes the catholic church has done many things wrong, and I agree with all of that but I dont think that the term cult is the right word for it.
    a cult is more like a secret society that tries to hide what they do from the world and as I said before, keep their members from finding out what anyone else teaches.

    I would call Freemasonry a cult.
  12. Claudia_T New Member

    May 11, 2004
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    but I dont know, Im no expert on what a cult is so I could be wrong
  13. Claudia_T New Member

    May 11, 2004
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    ok wait a minute, when I think of secrecy and freemasonry being a cult I think of the Jesuits.

    I think I just changed my mind on this
  14. Claudia_T New Member

    May 11, 2004
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    ok I think the catholic church is a cult, but not for the reasons that most people do.

    well I dont know now, they are steeped in paganism... was paganism a cult?

    obviously I need to go think about this some more
  15. Claudia_T New Member

    May 11, 2004
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    you shouldnt "Amen" me yet, LOL!
  16. mcneely New Member

    Jan 17, 2006
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    I don't know why it is so painful to fathom that perhaps the Catholic Church was the earliest Church, and that we came out of the reformation. A lot of evangelicals believe that Christ's church is a sort of an evolutionary process. Rather, as time goes on, we become more conformed to the ideas of Christ. It has nothing to do with who was first. Does anyone remember Titus 3:9? "But avoid foolish questions, and genaeologies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain". We are debating history here, but some of you are worried about who came first, and who killed more people. Why not just say what really came out of the reformation? A reformed faith. A faith that millions of us hold as more conformed to Christ and his will.

  17. mcneely New Member

    Jan 17, 2006
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    By the way, I keep hearing how wrong people think ecumenicalism is. Why? Why is it so wrong for us to be like-minded in our faith?(Whithin Christianity). Teachers (Whom I deeply respect) like Charles Stanley believe that affiliation with Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, or whatever doesen't matter. That if a person has accepted Christ, and has the Holy Spirit to guide them, then they are grafted into the family of God. I for one completely agree. Why keep building walls? Do people seriously think that seperation and bitterness is the will of our Lord? Please!

  18. nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Paul repeatedly says in the Epistles to be "of like mind and faith" and to treat brethern in Christ with respect I completely agree with you mcneely.
  19. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Why do you assume the separation and bitterness must go together. That in itself is a wrong assumption. One can be separated from error and still love his brother, if he indeed may be one. We are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves.
    We are commanded to love our enemies.
    We are commanded to love the brethren.
    There is no need for bitterness at any level.

    However there is a need for separation and the ecumenical movement is definitely wrong, and may I suggest that it is a movement promoted and spurred on by Satan himself.
    We are not all one in the faith. Doctrine divides. It was meant to. The very reason that we have different churches is that we believe differently doctrinally. Are people so anemic in their doctrine that they are afraid to stand up for what they believe in. During the Reformation period the Anabaptists and those like-minded stood up for baptism by immersion and baptism after salvation and were martyred for their beliefs by other so-called Christians. They were also martyred by the Catholic Church, not a Christian Church at all.
    In ecumenism which of the doctrines that you believe are you willing to sacrifice that you may be able to get along with others. If you believe in baptism by immersion after salvation are you willing now to say that really doesn't matter now in order to cooperate with those who believe in infant baptism. Are you willing to give up your doctrinal beliefs in baptism.
    Better yet are you willing to give up salvation by grace through faith to cooperate with either the Catholics or the Church of Christ, both of whom don't believe that most essential doctrine. They believe in a gospel of works, since in their eyes baptism saves; baptism is essential to salvation. Are you willing to accept that heretical doctrine into your belief system. Tolerance. Let's sacrifice our doctrine, what we believe in, on the altar of unity. Unity has become the great battle cry of the day. Who cares about doctrine any more. Doctrine divides. Do away with doctrine.
    It is too bad really; because without doctrine you cannot be saved.
  20. mcneely New Member

    Jan 17, 2006
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    you stated than ecumenism is wrong, and spurred by the devil. Why? That was my question. Your response is what I hear from evengelicals everyday. What reasons do you have to believe that unity in Christendom is wrong.

    And you say that seperation and bitterness don't have to go together. And I agree. But it does in these terms doesen't it? There is a level of hostility between nearly every different denomination and form. I am focusing on the love, not the compromising of individual doctrines.

    In my earlier message, I stated that every person who has truly accepted Christ, Catholic or protestant, has been grafted into the family. I don't feel that this can be challenged.
