The bad theology on this board

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by evangelist6589, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. Darrell C Well-Known Member
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    Jan 30, 2010
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    I am surprised to hear you say that, and disappointed.

    The central issue for anyone in a position of leadership and authority...should be truth.

    If that is not the case then you are simply tending the playground.

    I do have a special place in my heart for John, as he was an instrumental teacher in my early years as a new believer.

    And you would be wrong. I am quite content to point out where I view MacArthur as in error in his doctrine, but, I do not see those errors as anything any different from errors held by many who are Reformed in their Theology. Where John stands apart is what makes him a valuable asset to the instruction of the Church.

    I love RC Sproul as well, and would recommend him to people for instruction, but, I would be just as content to point where I disagree with him as well.

    This is very true, usually.

    Because he disagrees with you on a doctrinal position?

    Why do you think there are those who teach a Universal view? Because they take an error to the extreme. And as I said, this particular issue has to be addressed looking at the errors of both sides. We should, in my view, address the errors of both unlimited as well as limited atonement.

    God bless.
  2. Darrell C Well-Known Member
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    Jan 30, 2010
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    True. I am now trying to catch up on 25 replies, lol.

    I look at it from a perspective of, first, MacArthur is probably the first Teacher I would recommend people to, because he is, of most out there, the most solid Teacher they are going to find. So when people talk bad about him I see it as cutting off a resource which I can say from experience has greatly helped me, on a number of fronts.

    Secondly, when people are diminutive about MacArthur being a "Theologian," it is laughable. I would like to know why it is that there are those here that think the very "education" (formal) which indoctrinates people into a System...makes one a "Theologian?"

    How many of those used of God to lead, prophecy, teach, and write the very Word of God...had formal training?

    Being a Moderator should take precedent, Jon, because it is grave responsibility that demands of you a higher standard. You are responsible to God to be Just in how you Moderate, and it is to God you will give account. Not really any different than being a Judge in a Court of Law. And if you do not view it ias just a grave responsibility, then I might suggest you withdraw from the position.

    Nor am I here to defend MacArthur, as he doesn't need me to do that, lol. His position concerning Sola Fide is clear.

    Look, I find issue with many great teachers, but that does not just a charge of being a "horrible theologian."

    I will just ask you this: do you see yourself as a better Theologian than MacArthur?

    Not trying to be disagreeable, Jon, but I do see it as slander, because I do not see it as true.

    I agree with him in regards to the one statement you quoted. And I think you need to, again, consider that it is not a matter of what those you think hold to a proper understanding of "unlimited Atonement" teach, but what the result of that teaching is when it is filtered by those less familiar with a wider scope of Doctrine.

    While Christ's Sacrifice certainly has Atoning value that would in fact be sufficient to save everyone ever born, the fact remains that Salvation in Christ is Limited to Christ.

    So let's get rid of both doctrinal positions and seek to expound the Biblical position.

    God bless.
  3. Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    That would be if I thought that it was well researched, and showed what was being discussed from both the Bible and authors as being accurate!
  4. TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    I doubt anyone here thinks that. A Theologian, in proper context, is one who has engaged in extended study of Theology Proper, Theology extended, both Biblical and Systematic, and has written and defended a dissertation or major project on the subject before a committee of his/her peers and, in recognition of that extended study, dissertation/major project, and defense before his/her peers been awarded a Ph.D./Th.D. acknowledging that effort.

    In some very, very rare cases an autodidact may achieve a similar station but that is extremely rare.

    I have a suggestion. Let the Admin Council take care of the Moderators and insure they are doing their jobs. After all, that is our job. :)
  5. TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    So, rather than providing a quote and a discussion of that quote you just post an opinion and expect us to accept it as the final authority that your opinions are all biblical and accurate?
  6. Darrell C Well-Known Member
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    Jan 30, 2010
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    Maybe they think more along the lines of...

    In "proper context?"

    Whose context?

    Is this not precisely what I said?

    Perhaps you could break down the word Theologian for me.

    Not relevant to what I said. I agree it is your "job" to supervise Moderators, but that does not change the fact that a Moderator, having a place of responsibility and leadership...has a responsibility to perform in such a position according to Biblical Principles.

    And there is nothing wrong with a member discussing it with a Moderator, or a an Administrator. We still function as a Body, though there be leadership, and there is a distinct difference between that and a dictatorship with absolute control. Now if it is a matter that leadership departs from Biblical Principles on this or any other forum, that is a different matter, but that is not the impression I get from this forum, and if that is the case, then it should be made clear to the members.

    God bless.
  7. TCassidy Late-Administator Emeritus

    Mar 30, 2005
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    The meaning of the word.

    a person who makes a study of and is an expert in theology.
    Other than it is against the Baptist Board rules. Take it to PM if you want to discuss a Moderator or Administrator's actions.
  8. Darrell C Well-Known Member
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    Jan 30, 2010
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    That is absolute nonsense.

    As I said, MacArthur has been a staunch defender of Sola Fide for years. The fact that those who are saved have a responsibility to God in regards to obedience is one of the most prominent and basic Principles we have in Scripture. That is the one thing God has always demanded...obedience. It started with a simple "But of that Tree do not eat."

    God will hold every man and woman accountable for the understanding of the Revelation He has provided to them, hence the principle of degrees of punishment. There will be those in this Age who will be held to a higher standard than those who rebelled against God in the Old Testament, because the degree of Revelation is higher.

    God bless.
  9. Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    This thread is closed.