The Emmaus Road and Elijah in the Wilderness: A Comparison

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by taisto, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. taisto Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
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    In study of Luke 24:13-31, I am struck by the similarities to Elijah as he fled from Jezebel.

    In Luke 24 we see the disciples filled with discouragement as their Rabbi, whom they thought was Messiah has been killed and they don't know if they will be hunted down. Two disciples are walking to Emmaus and are talking intensely about what had happened. Jesus comes alongside them and talks with them, sharing the scriptures that are about himself. One preacher said the disciples hearts moved from broken to bewildered to burning as Jesus spoke. When Jesus got to Emmaus with them, they asked him to stay the night. Jesus sat to eat with them and he took the bread and blessed it and at that moment they recognized him.

    Now, turn to 1 Kings 19 where Elijah is discouraged as Jezebel is out to kill him. He flees to Judah where he leaves his servant and then goes into the wilderness and falls asleep. As he's there, in depression, the Angel of the LORD (Jesus himself) [vs7] taps Elijah on the shoulder and gives him bread and water to drink. Elijah sleeps again and the Angel of the LORD gives him more to eat and drink before Elijah walks for 40 days and nights to get to Mt. Sinai.

    In Elijah I see a foreshadowing of Jesus in being the bread of life and in providing the water that causes us to never thirst. I see Jesus showing us that he cares for those who are broken hearted and walks besides us when we are unaware of his presence. He graciously talks with us and cares for us to help us heal. Like the disciples our hearts are broken, bewildered, and then burning as we hear the words of Christ speak healing and health into our souls.

    Now, perhaps you all have seen the parallels between these two passages and you can add more insight than I have done.

    What do you think? Is Elijah's journey a foreshadowing of the Emmaus road?
  2. tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    Interesting as we call in our Baptist circle type and shadow... I've never heard of that comparison before but with all new illustrations of a Biblical nature, let me think on it... Don't forget the Lord also hid Elijah in a cave and had ravens bring him food... The Lord always looks after his own... Brother Glen:)

    One thing that just crossed my mind, you have to experience the Damascus road before you journey down the Emmaus road!