Just come out and say it! Mary, according to you was nothing more then a harlot. :( </font>[/QUOTE]Why don't you say it if that's what you want to hear? :rolleyes: I doubt Joshua believes anything of the sort.
I could try the same tactic with you...
Justified, why don't you just admit you're a homosexual??? Come out and say it proud!
How did it feel to have a baseless suggestion like that made about you? Where are the moderators anyway??? Why do they allow this garbage?
Justified, if this is the way you plan to talk to the Mormons, I suggest that you politely tell them you changed your mind and excuse yourself. If you are this way with a Mormon you will probably close him to ever hearing the gospel again. :(
Virgin born
Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by C.S. Murphy, Aug 14, 2002.
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Baptist Believer Well-Known MemberSite Supporter
God Bless..........Alex -
Murph -
Baptist Believer Well-Known MemberSite Supporter
Murph[/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]Yes. This is a good and true statement. -
11 pages WOW!! know lets go soul winning before another one slips into Hell.
I don't think it would be appropriate in a Church/classroom setting, but it is here. -
I agree with post-it
Besides the Apostle Paul didn't emphasis the virgin birth in his preaching of the Gospel. What he emphasized was:
1. God raised Jesus from the dead, validating His claim to be one with the Father (John 10:30, 1Cor. 15:1)
2. Jesus has been exalted to the right hand of the Father (Eph. 1:20, Col. 3:1)
3. The risen Christ will come again (1Thes. 4:13, 2Thes. 1:5-10)
4. God has opened the door of salvation for Gentile as well as Jew (Rom. 3:21-26)
5. The basis for acceptance with God, Jew or Gentile, is justification by faith apart from works of the law (Rom. 4:13-17, Eph. 2:8-9)
Does that mean Paul didn't believe the virgin birth because he didn't emphasize it, I doubt it. -
Joshua -
Wasn't it a prophecy in the OT about Jesus and a virgin mother? I'm sure it is and there should be some respect to this fact although Catholics have taken it to extremes as you would think Mary was on the same level as Jesus/God. Mary was no different than any human since the beginning of time is respect to her inherrited sinful natute. BUT she was a devout Christian or in the Jewish way, believer in God as Christ wasn't born yet.
God Bless...........Alex
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