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Common Ground Coffee House #106

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Feb 4, 2007.

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  1. abcgrad94

    abcgrad94 Active Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Happy Valentine's Day!

    No school today. It rained yesterday and froze last night, then we had more snow all day. I'll gladly share my snow with anyone. Just come on over!

    Ann--at least it's not your gas that's going off! Keep warm.

    Convicted 1--Maybe the big breakfasts are a WV thing? I'm never wide awake enough to cook much in the morning. My hubby has to go to Biscuit World if he wants all that, poor thing. Now for dinner, that's a different story.

    The main roads are clear so we will still have our church service tonight. This weather is wreaking havok on the piano, though. The keys keep sticking and playing it is kind of like trying to drive a car with a flat tire. Guess if I mess up I can always blame the piano.
  2. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
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    Oct 25, 2004
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    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow......

    Every road in the county is closed - officially 30 inches since midnight last night - and now the wind is starting to blow. There is a little town just north of where I work that got 141" last week! That's twelve feet for you math challenged folk.

    Work was closed today and tomorrow looks promising for another day hot chocolate and shoveling.......
  3. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Padre - You are where I want to be, although this ice is kind of pretty. We're also pretty much socked in - the roads are a sheet of ice. I'm wondering if I'll be able to make it to PT tomorrow!! So far, we still have power, though, so that's good!
  4. Prodigal Daughter

    Prodigal Daughter New Member

    Feb 7, 2007
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    I have a new computer. I don't care for the keyboard. It makes me seem like I don't know how to type.

    Tomorrow is mine and my husband's two year anniversary. It is also my mom's birthday. I usually take flowers out to her grave. I hope I will be able to tomorrow.

    My husband is adopting my oldest daughter. It was supposed to be on Friday, but the attorney told me on Monday that a problem came up. The judge split his calendar, and had to move it back to Thursday.

    What better anniversary gift than to make the adoption final? It is so perfect.
  5. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Prodigal Daughter,

    Congratulations on your anniversary. I hope you have a lovely day.

    We had to get a new computer last summer and it took me a while to get used to the new keyboard too. I felt rather as you do ... that I couldn't type. I am sure you will get plenty of practice posting here at BB!

    I just said a prayer for you that the adoption proceedings go smoothly for you. Please let us know how it all goes.


  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Welcome to the CH Prodigal Daughter! Yesterday was my anniversary too.

    Good morning all,

    It is -4º right now with a windchill of -17º. We have over three feet of snow on the ground and I do not like snow or winter!

    Brent shoveled several times yesterday, but it was too cold to stay out for very long. I need my car today, so he was trying to shovel it out.

    The eye doctor was closed yesterday, so we need to get Brent's glasses fixed today. He will not go to school this morning because he can't read or write with his old glasses and they give him a really bad headache. If the doctor can fix his glasses, I will drop him off at school, otherwise he will be home until some new glasses arrive. If that is the case, I will pick up his assignments so he won't get so far behind.

    I brought in some "stick-to-the-ribs" Cream of Wheat, toast, and hot chocolate - help yourself!
  7. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Belated Happy Anniversary Sue and Dale.:flower: :flower: :flower:


  8. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Happy Anniversary Prodigal Daughter!! Congratulations on the adoption too - how wonderful a gift!

    Well, we never lost power, which was a wonderful thing. The roads were horrible yesterday, although I never tried to go anywhere because I was all set but Bob was not able to go to work due to that big hill we have. The schools are closed today which is stupid because the roads are WAY better today than yesterday. I sometimes don't get those guys. But it still looks beautiful this morning with the ice on the trees (not a ton - about an eighth of an inch).

    So, DH just called me with some awesome news - but I can't tell you guys yet in the off chance someone we know reads this. But it's a major answer to prayer - a prayer that was being said because of some frustration he was having in his ministry - or lack of. God is so awesome because this is an answer that we never would have even imagined happening! It's sad but it's good too. I'll let you in on it when it's announced but suffice it to say - God is good and works in mysterious ways! LOL!

    Today started out with physical therapy and now it's just homeschooling and some chores. Because the girls are home, they're going to be getting the washing machine so no laundry for me. :D
  9. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Good morning, all!

    Well, Thursday....and this is the day I try to go on all decaffeinated tea. It's surprising how much I seem to depend on that caffeine boost in the mornings. I just got in from the horses and cleaning the stalls and such and I'm sleepy! This is NOT my sleepy time of day!

    I know Chris is up, but I'm having a V8 before tackling him and his room. Barry is still asleep. He is totally a night owl.

    Sunny and cloudy both. Wonder how Rob and his wife got along with that fantastic Valentine package he built for her?

    Finished the cross-linking formatting for Barry's article early this morning. That will be a nice surprise for him. Once it's up, I'll link it here. I don't expect anyone to really understand most of it, but I sure do want you to admire the formatting! Fishing for compliments? Nooooo, not me! LOL....

    While I was outside with the beasts I was praying for several of you. And God bless all of you. Have a lovely day and stay warm, please.

    edit: just read the last part of your post, Ann (I TOLD you I was sleepy!) and that is fantastic. Can't wait to hear, but I know you are right. That's EXACTLY how God works!
  10. Jon-Marc

    Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    ---somewhere else.:laugh: It's rather chilly here today--only in the 50's. I actually had to wear a long sleeved shirt when I went out today and long pants instead of the usual shorts.
    #130 Jon-Marc, Feb 15, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2007
  11. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Hi, Hello and HoWdY:wavey:

    We're here in South Georgia, cold for us but alot warmer than some of you! Goodness, it's easy to become accustomed to this milder, no snow type of winter. Sometimes an inch or two of snow once a year would be nice, but that rarely happens. In the 8 1/2 years we've been here, there have been light flurries about three times. Carl saw it, but I didn't.:tear:

    Yesterday was the completion of the 14 day Xeloda cycle. Today is day one of the 7 day "rest period" portion of Cycle One. Praying the stuff is doing the job and the dosage won't have to be increased. I've not been driving because of dixxy spells. If that and occasional light nausea and light headache is my only side effects, I think I can handle it.

    Y'all stay warm and dry!:wavey:
  12. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    That explains it, Gayla! DIXXY is the southern form of DIZZY, right???

    God bless you!
  13. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Um . . .yeah. . .that's it!:laugh: :laugh: :saint: :type:
  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is -9º this morning with a windchill of -30º. We have a foot of snow on the ground and we're expecting another few inches.

    There just isn't anyplace to put all this white stuff! It's piled and drifted up to the top of our picket fence already!

    Needless to say, I'm not going anyplace today.

    The principal will be picking Brent up for school in about 10 minutes and he won't be home until after 10:00 tonight. They are leaving for an 'away' basketball game shortly after school this afternoon.

    Got to go pack a supper for him.
  15. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Now why is it Women keep saying that to me?

    Good Morning Everybody,

    It is 0 degrees here, and I'm afraid to look at the wind-chill.

    WOW!! Where I live [South-Central MI] really got hammered by that storm. We ended up with about 10" of the white stuff, however; where we were in Grand Haven [by Muskegon, MI for those who have a map] we only got about 4".

    You have my sympathy Sue about all your snow, I made a whole pot of Hot Cocoa just for you!

    We had a great time. The scenery was fantastic, the inn was as charming as anybody could ask for, and the food was great.

    You should have seen my Wife's face when I got down on my knees[not hard to do-but getting up was an adventure] and proposed to her.BTW she said yes.

    I KNEW IT!!! All I have to do is leave the coffeehouse for a few days and my Cuz volunteers to cook. Isn't her cooking great?,as long as she doesn't have to stand over a stove?

    Since I beat her in here this morning how about....
    Scones with berries, hashbrown casserole, eggs, waffles, and sausage gravy and biscuits.

    Time to catch up on things over here, and get to my chores.

  16. Prodigal Daughter

    Prodigal Daughter New Member

    Feb 7, 2007
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    Thank you to everyone, and happy belated anniversary to you I am blessed.

    Everythign was perfect. My baby is an Oliver now. She has a last name. I always felt bad that my name changed, but she just had my maiden name. Not anymore though. My husband was glowing in teh courtroom. You would swear he was pregnant. lol.
  17. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good morning everyone!

    Basketball and birthday ice skating with Jenna today! I won't get to check in again till late, late!

    Cuz, it's a good thing you are back cause not only did I push my limits cooking the other day, but today we'd be eating pizza and birthday cake!

    Helen, tell Anna Happy Birthday for me! I hope you survived her party!

    Sue, stay warm! I see another storm is headed your way! :(

    Gayla, you make sure that you are taking care of yourself. I'm praying that you have good results from this med and glad that so far the side effects have not been to troublesome.

    Prodigal, I'm glad all was settled the way you wanted it! :applause:
  18. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    We sent home some very sleepy girls -- I think they chattered until about 2 a.m. The laundry is started from all the sheets and blankets, animals are fed, I'm sitting here with....finally....my cuppa tea. But they had a wonderful time and we have tons of macaroni and cheese leftover for Chris to eat for how many days????

    Sweetheart little ladies, though. All of them tiny, small-boned, and like little elves jumping around. It was fun watching them.

    Overcast day and I'll be inside mostly, just cleaning. It's a nice day for that.

    Or napping....LOL

    God bless you all.
  19. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Afternoon Everybody,

    It is 18 degrees and snowing here. :BangHead:

    Congratulations Dale & Sue. Are you still a blushing bride Sue?

    We've got guests coming over for the afternoon, so I brought in Ranch Oven-Fried Chicken with Warm Corn Relish, Cheddar Biscuits, and Lemon Bread Pudding [just what they're going to have.]

    Gotta run.
  20. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Sounds like you had as much fun as the girls, Helen! Good for you!

    Thanks for the anniversary wishes PD, MK, and Rob.

    I am no longer a blushing bride, but I DO blush on occasion. It is usually when I say something that doesn't come out right and everyone starts laughing...

    I won't be on much today. Brent is on the couch, still in his pj's, with a blanket on him. He can't get warm. He had a headache last night and today he has a sore throat and 102º. We are watching Bible movies and he is napping on and off.

    We got about 4 more inches of snow during the night. I hope we're done for a while!

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