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Common Ground Coffee House #112

Discussion in '2008 Archive' started by I Am Blessed 24, Feb 18, 2008.

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  1. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Evening Everyone!

    I've started spring cleaning finally! I had made some stabs at it before but today I actually threw something away! That has to be progress, right?

    :laugh: Ya'll should have heard Tanya when she found out her beans had been spilled but good. :laugh: Way, way funny, though, hmmm, I'm think'n she still doesn't see the humor.

    Ann, dear, what aren't you telling us? :D

    Cuz, I gotta tell ya, the "wheels" were detached from my baby carriage quite some time ago, but since Tanya and I are cousins, I ain't about to tempt God by saying there is no way I could come in with news like that. :eek:

    Tanya did that already, much to my husband's amusement. She clearly said there is no way a baby is getting through all my preventative measures, it'll have to be God if it does and guess what? Uh huh, #8 is on the way! LOL!

    Yes, I am readily amused by Tanya presenting me with another baby to practice being Grandma on. I would not be so amused by presenting myself another baby to practice being Mom on. <gasp> <choke> <ackkk!>

    Ya'll have a good evening!
  2. Brother Shane

    Brother Shane New Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    What a beauitful morning here on da bayous of Louisiana!

    I ain't got much in store for today.. like every other day, lol. I do, however, have to go to town and pick up some things for dinner this weekend. We had a mississippi mud cake for dessert last weekend and it was a huge hit... even over at GrannyGumbo's house. She said it was wonderful! This week, I think we'll make another and even an earthquake cake. We like making enough that'll last all week. I hate cooking during the week! Come Sunday after church, it's all well worth the wait!

    Have a good one, ya'll. See ya here, there, and in the air! [​IMG]
  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I was going to make sun tea today, but it is raining and has turned off a little 'coolish'. It's 51º right now.

    I am eating more soft foods. The blood clot in my mouth is slowly growing smaller, but the hinge in my jaw is still sore enough that I can't get my mouth open very far, but I managed pancakes and scrambled eggs this morning. Yum!

    I dare not use a fork to eat yet! :eek:

    I brought some in for ya'll and some fried potatoes and bacon too. Orange juice is in the fridge and coffee is hot.

    Once I get my strength back, I have a new project. I want to turn Brent's bedroom into a utility room for the washer, dryer, ironing board, and sewing machine. I won't have to paint it, so that is a blessing!

    Right now the washer and dryer are in the back hall and I have to turn sideways to get past it to the basement and back door. Plus, it sticks out farther than the steps and one corner is being held up by bricks. You don't want to know how many times I've missed that step while folding clothes. :laugh:

    Have a good day everyone! I'm staying inside! [​IMG]
    #243 I Am Blessed 24, May 23, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2008
  4. Brother Shane

    Brother Shane New Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Good morning, Sue! Try to stay dry and safe during the storms! We had some rough weather roll through here last night... praise the Lord all is safe. I hear on my scanner that there are fallen trees in places, though. As long as they didn't fall on any power lines... lol.

    Now, why can't you make any suntea? Cuz there ain't no sun? I make it everyday! Rain, sleet, sun, snow, hail, you name it! It always turns out perfect. My sweet southern iced tea would make yours go decaffeinated any day, lol. <<<can't touch this>>>! :D

    Enjoy yo' day! :tongue3:
  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    I'm sneaking in my computer fix on the library computer, but here in a bit I need to go back to my spring cleaning.

    Summer is slowing beginning. Chris finished this years work last Friday. Cade has one more exam to take on Tuesday (yes, they have to go to school after Memorial Day), all of Cass' exams will be Tues. and Wed. and Jenna goes to school to do busy work those two days and will have a "pick up your report card and leave" end of school party on Thursday.

    I am totally ready for it to be over!

    Congrats Sue, on being able to eat again! Eating is always a good thing.
  6. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone!! Just hanging out this morning getting some laundry done for the boat so we can go for an overnight after church tomorrow. :) It's so nice to finally have sun after over a week of rain - and it finally feels like spring! It's been in the 50s and low 60s for this past week and we're FINALLY almost at 70! Should be a nice time to go for an overnight.

    Well, second child is down with strep - Joanna started with a sore throat Thursday night so took her in yesterday. Yep - strep. I have a feeling I'm battling it too but I can't get to the doctor until Tuesday after the holiday. I'm not really sick but just feeling a bit under the weather and my throat is swollen which are the same symptoms the kids had. We'll see.

    Oh - and there will be only one baby born at the end of the year on this forum. ;) While a new baby would be wonderful, I'm kind of happy about the outcome because we're not young (43 and 48) and we have NOTHING left of babyhood around. I saved everything through all the years but after Jo, I got rid of everything except a high chair and pack and play for when friends come over. We've got one going to college in August and I think a baby would be a bit of a stretch. But if one were to come, we'd welcome it with open arms. But we're certainly not trying. LOL

    If I don't get back on here, everyone have a wonderful weekend!
  7. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Ann, I can only imagine your disapointment. :p

    I personally am enjoying Tanya's and the best thing about that is they go home with her in the evening! :D (yes I know I'm terrible)

    I'm sitting here, being lazy, with only one kid home and a sleeping husband. I like quiet days.

    Chris is off with Cade swimming at the lake. Jenna's gone to a local state park with a friend. They may camp there tonight, depending on the crowd. Cass is here making use of the pool.

    She is running and doing cannonballs and I'm just waiting on one of the puppies to follow her in. :laugh:

    I have to move the dog runs this pm. ugg. In the winter, when there are no flies, I keep them up close to the deck. Fly season has begun not to mention the first husky has started blowing her coat. On top of that, it is in the mid 80's today and there is very little shade for them up here. When it gets a little cooler this evening, I'm going to move them to the bottom of the yard where there is much more shade.

    Ya'll have a good day!
  8. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good news, Ann! LOL

    Cindi, I am all by myself today too and am immensely enjoying it!

    Good morning all,

    My oldest daughter came down from Indiana and took Brent back with her for the week-end so he could play with his two cousins before going back to Missouri (they are all three about the same age and are all boys).

    Next week and week-end are going to be busy.

    Tuesday afternoon: Grandson, Stephen, (Vern's son) is graduating from 8th grade and I am going.

    Thursday morning: Dale goes to the hospital to have his lung aspirated and the fluid analyzed and I will be with him. Please pray for him.

    Thursday evening: Grandson, Brent, is graduating from 8th grade, and of course, I'm going. LOL

    Friday afternoon: I get to meet Cheslyn! [​IMG]

    Bobby and Chailee are coming down and Pastor Bob and his family will be here, so we can get a "four-generation" picture and visit.

    Friday evening: Grandson, Seth, (Laurie's son) is graduating from 8th grade and I am going.

    Saturday noon: I am preparing the food for a picnic at the park for 15-20 people (I never know who may show up...). I will have to grind my fried chicken up with my 'Magic Bullet' and take it to the park in a thermos to keep it warm. :rolleyes:

    Sunday: Bobby leaves for Hawaii for more training before he is deployed.

    Here is a picture of Bobby, Chailee, and Cheslyn that I received today.


    And not to be left out...a recent picture of my great grandson, Jace, who is two-years-old and is expecting a baby brother in August.


    HAGD all!

    I think I'd better rest this week-end!
  9. Brother Shane

    Brother Shane New Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Good Morning !!!

    It's a brand new week! The bayou blend was made about four o'clock this morning and has been filling up this house with a strong aroma ever since. There's a few on this morning.. sit down, have a cup.. and good morning!

    Lunch today will be a creamed biscuit and chicken casserole (southern secret recipe), buttered corn, green beans, rolls, an earthquake cake, and sweet southern iced suntea. We made a mississippi mud cake yesterday and there is still a bit of it left, so if someone wants a piece of that as their dessert too, they can have it.

    Sunday mornings are always busy 'round here. Now, during the afternoon and after lunch, everyone gets the chance to settle down and play cards and just fellowship until time for church this evening. I love Sundays - they're my favourite day! The Lord has richly blessed me...

    shane be cruising~

    Matthew 24:6-8 - "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows."

  10. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Afternoon Everybody,

    We survived camping for four days with only the usual minor cuts and abrasions that kids are prone to. Papa did manage to to fry his hide pretty good though. It is now screaming fire engine red and sore to the touch,and yes I did have sunblock on. I'm used to cooking lobsters not looking like one. :laugh:

    Now comes the fun part of unloading the camper and putting everything away. Everybody was happy with hot dogs, brats, chili, and a big breakfast yesterday. Tonight is everybody fends for themselves. Whatever you can find you can fix. Fortunately we have some leftovers in the fridge and freezer. Yes dear sisters , even we have leftovers just like you.

    Glad to hear you're able to expand your diet Sue. Please take it easy next week, now that you're back on your feet you want to be able to stay on them. :thumbs:

    Next sunday we're going to visit a church in our area. Brenda actually attended this church for a short time during her divorce, so she's not exactly walking in a stranger. The total mileage for attending this church is about 10 miles each way so very much better than an almost 50 mile round trip to the church we're members of now.

    I understand your disappointment Ann. :saint: Having children by proxy is so much easier though. You just feed them, spoil them, and send them home.

    My Cuz is a wise woman. NEVER tempt God [and never say never either:smilewinkgrin: .]

    My break is just about over. We're forecasted to have severe storms this afternoon and I want to get all the work done first. I spotted some Beef Stroganoff and some Strawberry Pie in the fridge so it's time for a snack first.
    #250 Friend of God, May 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2008
  11. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    The spring cleaning bug has hit but good! I knew if I waited long enough the infection would spread and things would get clean. :D

    Poor Jenna is now toyless. No more barbie dolls, baby dolls and little pieces of toys from Happy Meals! All she has left are her American girl dolls, Webkins, a few games (Candyland is gone!) and her electronics. Everything else is packed up in bins and moved out to the garage in case Tanya's young'uns come to play.

    Jenna did gain her half bath back. I had shut the water off to the sink a while back, cause the plumbing is messed up underneath. (who puts a double trap under a sink?) I cleaned it out, disinfected it and this weekend T and I will fix the plumbing. (he thinks I need supervision. :D ) I even found out and washed the rugs that belong in there.

    And then we started on the backyard. Most of the bushes and trees back there got trimmed up and the privets cut out of them. I reckon I cut down about a billion little baby privets out from along the fenceline. Roundup does not kill privets! There is a huge pile of brush out front now waiting on the street dept to come pick it up.

    I made the huskies happy by finally getting their run moved to the bottom of the yard where it is much shadier and cooler. They have a much longer run now than they did in the winter.

    One more section of the backyard to clean up and it will be ready for summer. I still need to trim the front hedges and put in a few flowers in the beds there and then the front yard will done as well.

    It rained last night and everything is soggy, so yard work will have to wait for a while. Good thing Chris got the grass mowed yesterday!

    Today I'm going to generally straighten up the house and mop floors. T is still working night shift so I have to keep the noise down. Cade will need picking up at about ten and Cass at 11:30 (unless Dale decides to bring her home.) and I'll need to go to Walmart while I'm out. Laundry is ever present in this house and I need more detergent!

    Ya'll have a good day!
  12. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Wow MK! Can I borrow some of that energy?? LOL

    My house is trashed again. Why is it that it's ALWAYS in this state?? Oy. So today is homeschool, laundry and cleaning. Fun, fun.

    Tonight my DD who's graduating was invited to an awards ceremony at school and she has no idea why! LOL - Apparently she's getting an award but we just don't know what it is. I guess we'll find out tonight! She won the runner up award for our American Heritage Scholarship at church ($500), but that will be given to her at the school next month so we know it's not that. It would be nice if it were more scholarship money!
  13. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Please pray for DH (Dale). He collapsed at work this morning and was taken to a hospital 35 miles away by ambulance.

    I will be driving back and forth, so don't worry if I don't check in for a few days.

    I will let you know what is going on after they drain his lung. My guess is tomorrow morning.

  14. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    So sorry to hear this, Sue. Will be praying for his healing and your travel safety.
  15. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    I'm getting ready to head down to the hospital. Dale is supposed to have his procedure at noon today. They couldn't do it yesterday because of the thinness of his blood (he takes thinning medication because of his heart).

    I will check in tonight when I get back.

    Thanks for the prayers, Karen!

  16. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    Praying for you and Dale right now Sue.

    This is a hit-and-run post this morning. We have Doctor's appointments, prescription refills, and grocery shopping to do today.

    Will try to check in later.
  17. GrapeApe

    GrapeApe New Member

    May 23, 2008
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    Do any of these orders come with a treadmill?

  18. Just Andrew

    Just Andrew New Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Thanks, that was a delicious cup of coffee..

    Hello, Sue, everybody. Thank you for your welcome threads to my rather silly-sounding introduction! The guy before me set the standard for good introductions (I don't think I measured up - aargh). Thanks for inviting me down to your coffe-house.

    I'm just popping in to say a quick "hello", though. I have to go sleep - late here in this part of the world. Please bear in mind always that I'm in a very, very different time-zone - two hours ahead of London time or GMT (I think you guys call it somethin' else there in the "Far West"). So I'm not being rude not hanging around longer tonight, a really gotta go get some sleep - 22h47 here in South Africa right now.

    Just Andrew:sleeping_2:
  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hi Andrew and Ape and welcome to our friendly abode. We don't have a treadmill since our food has no calories, trans fat, cholesterol, or sugar. :)

    Just got back from the hospital and no procedure was done. They took a sonogram and found that whatever is in his lung is breaking up into pieces. They said it was too dangerous to do anything until they analyzed the fluid.

    He now has a chest tube to try and get enough fluid to analyze so they can decide what to do and when to do it.

    I may have to go back tonight. If not, I will be going down again in the morning.

    Please keep praying.

    Thank you,
  20. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good, hmmm, afternoon everyone!

    Grape Ape and Andrew, Welcome!

    It is officially summer at the menagerie! Jenna's final morning was this morning and she is now the proud recipient of a report card covered in A's. Sometime or other we do have to walk into the high school and get Cass' report card, but she was finished yesterday.

    Yawn. I'm seriously thinking about a nap. I had to make an early morning run to B'ham this morning for an appointment and now I'm sleepy! This night shift business that T has been pulling has just about worn me down. Thank goodness, tonight is his last night and he has the next 5 or 6 days off. I plan on sleeping a good part of that time!

    Ya'll have a good rest of the day. Sometime or another this evening I'll be leaving a big tray of chicken and dressing on the counter for supper. Feel free to enjoy. (of course it is calorie free)
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