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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Nov 27, 2004.

  1. graceb2u

    graceb2u New Member

    Nov 5, 2004
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    Sue I hope you feel well soon. I hope you can get some sleep today. I know how that coughing can keep you up at night. I know when I get a cold, no matter how tired I may be, if I'm coughing I stay up all night.
  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Morning all! Jim took my computer apart as soon as all the kids were gone last night and plugged it back in to check. It was just the fan! So, off he went early this morning to pick up one in the 'big city'. All fixed! I'm so glad it wasn't the hard drive. They were on sale but you had to wait for a rebate and this was quite a blessing.

    So... Sue, Sorry you didn't sleep and hope you can sleep today.

    Sheila, it sounds like you and Rob will have a lovely day even with the ugly skies.

    I have Jack until this afternoon. His mother works as a massage therapist from 9:30 til 12:30 on Saturday and his father had to work to finish a big job before the end of the year. Mom should be here by 1:15 tho. I don't really like having to have children here when Jim has so few waking hours at home but we really need the funds.

    Hope everyone gets well SOON and has a lovely weekend.

  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hi all:

    I've had about an hour's sleep in the last 36, but I'm fixing to get some rest NOW!

    My oldest daughter, Laura, came down from Indiana with her boys. She will be staying at her daughter's house tonight and she took Brent with her and will drop him off at church tomorrow so I will have from now until 3:00 a.m. (papers) to get some sleep.

    The coughing spells are sporadic now and with Brent gone, I think I'll, at the very least, be able to sleep in between spells.

    Have a good afternoon and evening and pleasant dreams tonight!

    §ue (off to la la land - I hope)
  4. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Boy Sue, I sure hope you can sleep a good 12 hours! I couldn't go without sleep for that long! God Bless!

    Nick is outside in short sleeves and so are his friends from next door. It's only 57° but the sun is quite bright and it feels warmer!

    Jim recorded a new gospel CD for a friend today. The Christmas CD he engineered, mastered, recorded has been pressed and released. He's done these for no pay and we now hope he can use them as samples to pick up some work.

  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    It was warm here to today. T and my sisters husband went out on their motorcycles today. After being warned not to ride for long the two of them ended up in Amory, MS! T came home almost frozen cause it got chilly as the sun went down. Serves him right for staying gone so long!

    I got to stay home with the kids. We had an extra because Son had company over. I didn't even attempt to get anything done today. Sat around and read a book most of the day and then colored my hair. Feels good not to do anything every once in a while.

    Right now I'm watching Auburn doing their best to lose the SEC championship game against Tennessee. Cannot believe some of the things they have let Tennessee do.
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    We were invited to a holiday party tonight. Clark Howard was one of the guests. What a nice guy! We got there early and left early. We've got a big group of 4 year olds to entertain in the morning.

    Whew... I bet they FROZE! Should have sent them over to Blackbird's house to win that $100. bet!

  7. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well I was wondering where Amory was!

    These men, you can't tell them nothing. They did come back happy, but maybe their faces just froze that way.

    We haven't figured out just whose husband is the worst influence! I think T is ahead right now.

    Sis and I told them to make it a short ride, like 60 miles instead of 300. Sis repeated the instructions just before they left. T claims he heard "not over 300 miles". He also claims he didn't hear me say anything. They only rode 180 miles. Serves 'em right to freeze!
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I have GOT to get to bed. All you folk more than 24 miles west of me are an hour to three hours behind me ;) so y'all can stay up a little longer but it's been a long day with me keeping the 20 month old for 5 hours today and tomorrow being Sunday.

    Night all!
  9. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Boy Howdy it is LATE even for the West. I am trying to unwind -

    Worked with a group on a new church 11am-4 pm answering LOTS of heavy doctrinal issues. I am hoarse.

    Then a quick bite and run 25 miles for a wedding.

    Then after the reception run back to Casper to Holiday Inn to meet with Gideons (after their day-long board meeting) and visit. Then home at 11pm for supper.

    And answering questions, etc on the BB! I can hardly talk but am at my home church tomorrow to be a "pew potato". Thankful with all the work of the new church last Sat and this that I am not preaching on Sunday. Only have so much strength!
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    I am up to do the papers. I got a fair amount of sleep overnight. I did wake up several times, but was able to get back to sleep. My body really needed that rest.

    Still coughing this morning. I believe I've picked up 'walking pneumonia' along with the Bronchitis. I am going back to the doctor tomorrow unless I am 90% better. I can't afford to keep paying a sub to work my 'corner'...

    I will check back in later this morning after DH and I finish throwing the papers. Three inserts full of ads today - they are heavy!!!

    §ue (praying I will be on the mend soon)
  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Morning all, glad to hear Sue got some sleep and hope Dr. Bob had a good night too after such a busy day.

    I had a fitful night with lots of bad dreams worrying about finances. Gotta let go... and let God.

    Off to shower,
  12. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    It was cold in here last night. We were going to turn the heat on, but needed to vacum around the unit before. We were going to do that last night, but decided to wait.

    The shrimp was great last night. We fried about 20lbs. No one went home hungry. I was out side with several others while they were being fried. I had 2 meals, the shrimp I ate by sampling the ones coming out of the fryer and the shrimp I put on my plate inside.
  13. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Gib, it got down to 33° here and is only 39° right now. Looks like we'll need coats for the drive to church.

    I'm just exhausted and have to do all Jim's ironing this afternoon. Plus, tomorrow starts 5:30 again ....

    We won't go to church tonight. It's the musical for the 4 year old - 6th graders and it'll be standing room only. The church preschool will have a part and relatives come out of the woodwork for this. We've gone 2 years and had to stand for hours.... and the themes were weird! One year it was a 'holiday cruise ship' theme with strange music.

    Gonna watch 'The Five People You Meet in Heaven' tonight. It looks good.

  14. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Good Afternoon all from Wyoming where the skies ARE cloudy all day. About 40F. Nice service at our church and enjoyed sitting and participating only by helping with communion.

    Now awaiting a good NFL game (and dinner) I am enjoying public TV - lots of specials this time of year that lift the spirits.

    Blessings on all this Lord's Day. Say it with me - Dah Yea New, Dah DAH Yea New

    That is Hebrew for "It is enough; it is MORE than enough!"

    So is God's grace to me.
  15. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    It's started to rain here. :( It's cool as well. Precious and I were okay with the sweaters we wore, but Son and Bitsy had to have jackets. Precious wore a new outfit today that made her look so nice and so grown up. It was a good change from the sloppy stuff she likes to wear to school. Bad part is, I'm not quite ready for my baby to grow up. Too bad mothers don't get to decide when children start turning into adults.

    I have a dress to make this afternoon and laundry to wash. I'm being slow about it though. Had to finish the book I started yesterday and now I'm on here. [​IMG]

    It must be the night for Christmas programs. Our church is having theirs tonight as well. This year they have combined all the choirs for one big program. Unfortunately due to Son having been so sick here lately, he and Bitsy aren't participating. Precious doesn't sing, she glad to not participate.
  16. graceb2u

    graceb2u New Member

    Nov 5, 2004
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    It is cloudy, cold and wet here in Central New York. We are just staying in trying to keep warm. I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
    Unfortunately, I will be having root canal this week. This is not my favorite thing in the world. I put up all my Christmas decorations yesterday. I hope to get the tree up this week. I sent out all my Christmas cards and finally got all my Christmas shopping done. Looking forward to a calm week this week.
  17. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    All of it! I've been shopping since August and I don't have all of it done. I do have most of it though. Still have to get mine and T's mothers gift and his sister and my brother. And a couple of things for the kids still.

    I need to start wrapping....but I don't want to.

    We do have our decorations up. One of T's bosses gave us a live wreath that I need to decide what to do with. I think I'm going to hang it in between the garage doors since I already have one on the front door.
  18. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    We've not had money to buy gifts but did get things for the grandchildren since they're out of state. We have 2 small things for Nick. We won't be buying for any adults or each other (but then we usually don't).

    It was quite nippy here today too. There was a misty rain for a little while but the neighborhood kids were out in force so Nick had fun.

    I've GOT to iron tonight. Jim has to wear company shirts with logos. His pants are done. [​IMG]

    Tomorrow is another 5:30 a.m. day.

    Oh... I had a mom approach me about daycare for a 5 month old. She's asked her once a week sitter to consider daily but the woman isn't sure yet. It would be a real blessing. It would be 7 - 4. I'd have to get one mother to agree to let her son ride the bus to my house. The other girls have ridden the bus in past years so that's no problem and it would save me over an hour a day sitting in car lines!

  19. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    That sounds great Diane!

    I have to ask why you get up at 5:30? My eyelids are still stuck shut at that time of the morning. Of course I don't cook breakfast either. T doesn't eat breakfast and the kids all fix for themselves. Coffee is generally my breakfast.

    Usually I can get away with getting up at 6:45. That is if I get clothes together the night before.
  20. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    My first Daycare Child comes just after 5:30! It's VERY hard for me to get up then!! Before I started childcare, I'd get up about 8:00. Since we homeschool, there is no rush for the school bus.