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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    We had pancakes, sausages, and eggs for breakfast and we're still too full to eat dinner!

    We're just eating sandwiches and off the snack and relish trays today, so we can eat whenever we want too.

    Grandpa got Brent "Shrek 2". I think we are going to watch that this evening.

    We're still watching "Jesus of Nazareth". It was a mini-series, but today they are running it as a movie. It has been on since 9:00am (over five hours) already! It is probably over at 3:00pm because the crucifixion is coming up.
  2. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    We are staggering blindly. Five recovering from flu on Thurs/Fri, 3 more (including me) who came down with it and are just barely functional (or with my growl, is that bearly functional??) and more to come.

    We've cancelled the dinner, though we are aiming at 4 pm to open gifts. Ugh. Sickness on Christmas Day is NOT good.

    But son and wife flew in from California and wife and son-in-law went to airport to pick them up. They will stay at the Holiday Inn since we have no room in OUR inn! And an indoor pool for ALL of us to share . . .

    Double ugh. Just praying for enough healing and strength as I have to preach in the main service tomorrow.
  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Sorry to hear about the flu, Dr. Bob! We all got flu shots here. Nick and I just got them 8 days ago so they'll be working in less than a week. Jim got his many months ago. I haven't heard of any flu cases in Georgia yet but Fluwatch shows one case in one county. Wyoming showed no cases as of their last update.


    Theresa can report cases off that site!

    Hope you're all MUCH better REALLY soon!
  4. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    Merry Christmas everybody! We are having a fun-filled day today. The munchkins didnt get up til 8:30. We did the loot, then sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, and ate his birthday cake for breakfast. Then after plaing a while, we went over to eat lunch with some dear friends at their family gathering. They include us every year. Our extended family doesnt like to come ON Christmas, so we have already celebrated with them. Now we are home playing again, having coffee, and still hoping to see a flurry or two. Weatherman says it should happen, daughter is still praying fervently. We'll be reading the Christmas story by the fire afterwhile. I just love Christmas.
  5. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Merry Christmas to all of the BB family!!!

    Wesley doesn't know whether to put out fires or cut down trees!! We got him a fire truck [it's got the dashboard, with all the buttons} and his Mema sent him a Craftsman "Trainsaw" complete with safety goggles!! Rachel is eating, which is no surprise.
    We're watching Thomas the Tank Engine for about the tenth time, but it's very cute.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! [​IMG]
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Ah! Thomas! I know them all by heart.

    We're all about to fall asleep! I've still got dishes to do but have to wait until the first load finishes. Seems like the newer dishwashers don't hold as much as our old ones did.
  7. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    You're right Diane. They're just quieter. We do like ours (5 mnths new). It has a timer and runs early in the morning.
  8. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I used to have a dishwasher, but she got married and moved away! :confused:
  9. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    My old dishwasher still works. Yea, mom
    is like a Timex.
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hubby offered to buy me a dishwasher, but I don't know where I'd put it. I have wall to wall cabinets in the kitchen.

    I suppose I could move the small deep freeze to the basement, but I have never really been convinced a dishwasher is that much less work - if you have to scrape and rinse the dishes off before putting them in there...
  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I really like the heated wash, heated rinse and heated dry cycles. I feel like it is more efficient in killing germs! My d/w actually will heat the water to 160° if I so command it! That's HOT! I've had a dishwasher for many, many years. We didn't have one for a short time when we first moved to Georgia but before that...... it had been since we were first married.
  12. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Poor Dr. Bob family. :( All that travelling and such, and this happens!
    Hopefully you're not so sick as to not be able to enjoy having family around.

    Christmas here has been great, although I'm sleepy! The girls were too excited to stay asleep and kept waking up one by one all night. Finally at around 5 am I said THIS IS INSANE and we all opened our presents and then went to bed!

    By the time we woke up it was a little after one and so I rushed for my shower, blow dried my hair, and we made it to "Gramma and Grampa's" for a WONDERFUL dinner and more importantly, PRESENTS! :D I got a beautiful saphire and diamond necklace. I'm not much into jewelry but I MELT over that combination, they are so pretty together!
    Ever have a turkey with a ham stuffed inside? Well, now I can say I did! :D That was too funny! It was good though, and we got to take home leftovers and now we dont' have to cook!

    Although...we stopped at a store and got a few little extras...I treated myself to a cherry coke and some chips. After cleaning up the place I sat back on my ab lounge exercise thingy with a pillow, stuck the remote on my belly, and ate chips and drank soda while watching tv. I don't think that's *quite* the intended use of it, but I did my obligatory sit up when I had to get out of it, so I feel justified. [​IMG]

    I think this is the first holiday I've really enjoyed in a long time. Nothing to really worry about, and people I love around and nobody I don't love around! :D Yay!

  13. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I just remembered tomorrow is Sunday and Sunday School is starting at 9:00 instead of 9:45. That's going to be an extra effort for me! I'm BEAT after today and such a late night as Santa's helper!

    Wow, Gina. That sounds beautiful! Yellow gold?
    What did the girls get for Christmas?

    Ham INSIDE the turkey? How'd they DO that?
  14. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Gib Turkey and a tiny piglet.
  15. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I'm thinking the turkey juices would change the ham flavor. Also, how do you slice it? How do you get the ham inside?
  16. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    The Gib turkey ate a little piglet :rolleyes:
  17. graceb2u

    graceb2u New Member

    Nov 5, 2004
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    We had a wonderful Christmas here. It was quiet and nice with just loved ones around. We all ate and settled down to rest. Then got back up for the pies.
  18. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    I'm not sure how it was done. Ask Helen. [​IMG] It was a rather interesting sight, and the turkey was great so it either didn't affect it or it helped it! I normally don't like turkey, but that was great!

    The girls got a number of different things all said and done.
    From me:
    Oldest: Shrek board game and an airplane
    Middle: Barbie doll (from Princess and the Pauper) and a decorated metal tin
    Youngest: McDonald's McFlurry maker and an electronic pinball game. The game was recommended by her eyedoctor actually...she gets patched and this helps her concentrate her attempts to see into one area and hopefully might let her regain some more vision in it if we keep it up regularly.

    The second toy listed on each was in their individual stockings, and along with those in the stocking all of them got nail polish, lip gloss, a small notepad, 3 notepads, stickers, mini puzzles, and Strawberry Shortcake jewelry.

    From Grandparents and family: (I really enjoyed typing that sentence :D ) Game of Cranium, Yahtzee, watches, cash, and eraser clay. They're dying to play the Cranium game but I'm being mean and making them wait until tomorrow.

    From their dad I'm gonna get them the matching doll that goes with the other Barbie from Princess and the Pauper...they were out of them at the stores everywhere I had checked before so I told them we'll get it after N. Year's.

  19. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Hi all! Hope you you all had a great Christmas! Lots of folk for the service last night, and "Finding peace in Jesus" was the message - pure gospel preached - many stood to make commitments, including my nephew John who is a senior in Catholic HS. He came to the service to be with his grandmother. Please pray he is sincere, and that we can help with his many, many questions.

    Went to his house (my SIL's) for dinner. It was a zoo of kids! Ham, mashed potatoes, shrimp cocktail, mac and cheese, goodies, buffet style to accomodate the comers and goers. Got to hold my new grand nephew, who was born on Halloween. Cute little thing, I forgot how sweet they are. Nice to give him back to my niece, though. I'm too old for that baby stuff!!!

    And yes, Diane, Christmas or not, tomorrow is Sunday. The Lord's work goes on. Follow the Star!
  20. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    We found flu shots are a waste as there are about 25 different strains floating around the US (and the shot covers 2-3 for your area). Thankfully this seems to be a short-lived bug but hey, we have new ones here from California, bringing their unique brand . . .

    But we survived.

    And hey, I don't look too bad in my new red long-handle underwear!


    [ December 26, 2004, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: Dr. Bob ]