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Featured What Will/Should Become of the #NeverTrumpers

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Benjamin, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    I am on a FB page about "Deplorables"
    Right after the election the admin asked:
    This forum sure has been fun the past few weeks.
    Now that the election will be over to night - I would like to know what you think the future of this page should be? Will it make a difference as to who the winner will be.

    Though I did originate this page, BoD actually belongs to you.
    So some questions I would ask would be (a) how do we determine who new members should be (b) our focus of attention (c) Do we want to focus on elections in 2017 (d) other issues to be concerned about?

    Here are two of the comments:

    (1) Just keep going in the same direction and talk about all the US facts like we've been doing. There will always be controversy and things to talk about especially since Trump is now going to be president. Liberals are going to attack Trump at every little step he takes. They're probably going to complain that he can't even take correctly. Trust me there are going to be almost daily about Trump that we need to bring the truth to light about because they're going to pick him apart and he needs our help now more than ever

    (2) I like having a place where like-minded folks can post without getting a "kick" back from the name callers, which can make it tough to remain upbeat. I also appreciate so much how our side of the aisle has a sense of humor, taking attacks, like "the deplorables" and making light of the name calling, instead of retaliating like our petty opponents do
  2. Benjamin

    Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    Yes, I remember it well. It is where I posted this:

    "To all Non-Voter/3rd Party Voters,

    It's over. Don't worry about it. Your responsibilities have been taken care of for you. The choice between the two candidates has been made and thank God enough rational thinkers stood up to make sure it was the correct choice. The Supreme Court and 2nd Amendment have been saved and Progressive Globalism set back on it heels, - all without you. It seems you weren't needed, but thanks anyway..."

    Yet, it is obviously not over (see the relationship between then and now?) for many who where on the [HASHTAG]#NeverTrump[/HASHTAG] movement being some/many of those (Ex-NeverTrumpoers) are rabidly on a new movement to be hyper critical toward most every part of any movement made by the new administration and this group appears to be gaining steam.

    So who are these people that take a negative stance and continue to parrot liberal media propaganda against Trump and the new administration?

    So far most of the replies I've got have simply resorted to personal attacks that I'm being inflamatory for daring to put things into perspective (I would challenge anyone to access my Op and/or perhaps explain how either it isn't true or otherwise explain to me how the truth is "inflammatory") and asking what their new movement (which is clearly observable if one is being honest) should be called.

    Do you not see the relationship between the 2 movements? Yes, I know I'm being in the face of the people who are on this new or continuing movement., but are my questions unfair? Or perhaps, as it seems, I am not being sensitive enough to those who oppose my objections toward people who would call themselves conservatives while they remain on the attack toward and are joining in with the obstructive negativity hype along with the liberals by my asking them to come up with a new name for their movement now that the phrase [HASHTAG]#NeverTrump[/HASHTAG] is irrelevant?

    Really, I'm seriously starting to think the need for a safe zone around here might apply. Speaking of "binary" do you not see the resemblance between the actions of the liberals and that of those on this movement?

    I mean really, I hate to come off too direct, which I understand I can tend to be, but if some here are in denial of my premise, which is in the first line of my Op, then I like to hear why it is untrue or unfair ask them to participate in coming up with a new title for what is clearly a similar trend by the same group of people that once called themselves [HASHTAG]#NeverTrumpers[/HASHTAG] to which the "Never" has become "obsolete", has it not?

    So far most of what I've got is that I am being a bully and am insensitively taunting by asking the questing, at least by what I can gather from those opposed to my daring to raise this issue, which granted is against those on the aforementioned agenda in question.

    Oh well, I guess my questions are just too rough on the opposition. [​IMG]

    For those who just find my question too inflammatory I will apologize and offer this condolence: [​IMG] for offending them with my mean question.


    Merry Christmas to all.
  3. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    adjective: reticent
    1. not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily.
      "she was extremely reticent about her personal affairs"
      synonyms: reserved, withdrawn, introverted, inhibited, diffident, shy;More
      uncommunicative, unforthcoming, unresponsive, tight-lipped, buttoned-up, quiet, taciturn, silent, guarded, secretive
      "Smith was reticent about his personal affairs"
      antonyms: expansive.
    Yes New Title [HASHTAG]#ReticentTrumpers[/HASHTAG]

    The synonyms that caught my eye (to quote a cliche) are: reserved and guarded.
    I think "reticent" includes a mild nuance of mistrust.

    But it also gives the idea that one, although not supportive is willing to give the benefit of the doubt and in this reality it would mean actually suspending judgment until the end of the "First Hundred Days" taking a tally of promises kept or being productively worked compared to promises promised.

    To be forthright I said I would take the gamble with Trump over Hillary so I voted for him and currently support him.

    Isn't reticence where we all are?

    But my prediction is that he will keep his promise "I will not disappoint you", "I will not let you down".

    So in order to promote harmony and unity I also accept the term [HASHTAG]#ReticentTrumper[/HASHTAG] along with the newly renamed [HASHTAG]#NeverTrumpers[/HASHTAG]. If they are willing.

    True I am being protective of my ego. I don't want to eat a lot of crow if Trump should not come through with a winning hand. After all I did say it was a gamble on my part to vote for him.

    100 days.

    • Like Like x 1
  4. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    No. NeverTrump means that a person will never vote for Trump. Ever. The phrase is still relevant.

    It comes from this article:

    Which I posted on BB way back in February 2016, here:

    So, you see your attempt to get a rise out of me and others here on BB is a fool's errand. NeverTrump is still a valid phrase. It does not need changing or retiring, unless and until Trump is not going to run for President again. THEN we may need to change the word.

    #44 InTheLight, Dec 23, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
  5. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    ITL I don't think every NeverTrumper has taken a vow before God to never vote for Trump.

    Also one need not vote for him to support him.

    One need not vote for him to cease from pile-on attacks with unproven calumniation or the promotion of Fake News just because he is Donald Trump.

    I offered an alternative. 100 days.

    • Like Like x 1
  6. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    All of what you say is true. I'm simply defining the term NeverTrump for Benjamin because apparently he thinks it means "Liberal Parrot" or "people that don't support conservative values" or "people that oppose a conservative SCOTUS" or whatever dumb strawman he invents. No, it means a person that would never vote for Trump. The End.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    People can change their mind (I include myself in that statement).

  8. Benjamin

    Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    Sorry, but I think your premise to keep the name, based on that you will “never vote” for Trump, fails as the vote HAS been cast and he IS going to be the next President. This “Never Vote” is clearly over. Therefore, that movement to not vote for him is irrelevant and the premise I’ve made for need for a new name for the movement you and others are on now remains.

    Again, the “I will never vote for Trump” movement is dead. Now, you can contend that Trump might run again in 4 years but that is a very weak argument and does not address that the ongoing agenda which is clearly beyond the “vote” to which the “never” applied, as you admit as part of your premise.

    The movement has changed into something else at its roots. I am asking for this new movement to be defined with a title that is more fitting. So it is “foolish” to deny that your and other’s mission has changed and it also seems quite “foolish” to not own up to whatever agenda you are now on being it is clearly on a path in opposition to the new administration that has been voted in.

    You guys are obviously opposed to waiting to make judgment as Hank’s suggestion would imply. [​IMG] That is unless you’re willing to consider it.

    There is striking similarity to the stance of “never” voting for Trump where you guys declared he was not conservative, had no chance to win, jumped on all the liberal propaganda wagon with the Progressives, etc.. but the vote is over. Yep, now the same bunch (however they should be defined?) has obviously jumped right back into another “Never” stance on accepting new policy alongside those who are liberals, who plan be Obstructionist, who cast negativity and propaganda toward every new movement to come so I think my question is fair in asking you to define your stance, which again is beyond voting.

    How about:

    #NeverTrump’sDirectioniers ? - you’re obviously opposed to the direction he’s taking.

    #NeverTrump’sConservatism ? – you certainly still don’t seem to want to recognize him as a conservative.

    [HASHTAG]#NeverAnythingTrump[/HASHTAG] ? – at least that would get you past the voting part.

    [HASHTAG]#AlwaysAgainstTrump[/HASHTAG] ? – seems you will be harsh critics right alongside the Liberal Obstructionist.

    I’d just like to be able to distinguish you guys from the Liberals, after all you still claim to be conservatives while being adamantly opposed to anything Trump. Is that asking too much?
  9. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    For someone that makes a big show of supposedly knowing how to debate you really should put away your Strawman Construction Kit.

    There is plenty that Trump SAYS he's going to do that I support:

    Tax cuts, both personal and corporate

    Reduction of business regulations

    Replace OCare.

    Get tough on illegal immigration.

    Appoint conservatives to SCOTUS.

    Sent from my Motorola Droid Turbo
  10. Benjamin

    Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    Glad to hear it but you and others remain hyper critical even on these issues and in fact are parroting the liberal propaganda much as before the vote. And increasing so. I believe this type of behavior has played a large role in why the old establishment never got anything done. It is hard for me to understand such pessimism if it is not on a similar path of [HASHTAG]#NeverWhatever[/HASHTAG]. I find it very negative and to be part of the obstructionist movement alongside the liberals and similar to the help NeverTrumpers gave to them. If this shoe doesn't fit you fine. Time will tell, I suppose...
  11. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    Well, sorry to disappoint you but I'm not in favor of:

    Import tariffs
    A $1 Trillion stimulus
    Increasing the national debt
    Praising Planned Parenthood
    Unchecked eminent domain
    Picking winners and losers with tax policy and/or government loans
    Genderless bathrooms
    Gay marriage
    Denying funding for NATO, causing disunity in NATO (which exists as a check on Russia)
    Cozying up to Putin
    Government paid maternity leave
    Government paid child care
    Nuclear weapon proliferation

    and neither are true conservatives. Donald Trump, on the other hand, is in favor of these things. These are not conservative positions, they are populist positions.So yeah, I'm going to be obstructionist on these sorts of things as any conservative should be. If someone is in favor of a make-work jobs program to the tune of $1 trillion, especially in an attempt to bring back job titles from the 19th century, then they are the liberals, not me.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Benjamin

    Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    Sorry, if you can't even recognize the Liberal Propaganda Spin you've placed on these issues and how that compares to the agenda the NeverTrumpers went about before the vote, which brings us back to the issue of the transformation from [HASHTAG]#NeverTrump[/HASHTAG] to ...??? ... [HASHTAG]#AlwaysaParrot[/HASHTAG]@RadicalTwist - (APART) [​IMG] ...from the new movement.
  13. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    Yeah, I'm done here. Enjoy your conversation with yourself!

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  14. Benjamin

    Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    Thanks for participating ...[​IMG] ...nice try!
    Awww, [​IMG] no need to be like that. Here, you guys like puppies don't you? [​IMG]

  15. Rolfe

    Rolfe Well-Known Member
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    May 17, 2014
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    Were I to start a thread like this one, I would be a bit embarrassed. To borrow/modify a sentiment from Vladimir Putin, some need to win with dignity.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Use of Time

    Use of Time Well-Known Member
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    Jul 28, 2014
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    I think ITL proved that Benjamin just wanted a Trump presidency without any criticism whatsoever. Yeah, good luck with that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Conversely, I call people who exclusively & blindly support Donald Trump as "TRUMPETS" LOL
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Use of Time

    Use of Time Well-Known Member
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    Jul 28, 2014
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    I'm actually kind of surprised this thread is still being allowed to continue.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Rolfe

    Rolfe Well-Known Member
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    May 17, 2014
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    Perhaps he is being allowed to dig his own hole.
  20. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Why is that?